Waterford Invitational 2011

Waterford, WI

JV Boys

Results by Wisconsin Runner

                         Waterford Invitational - 10/6/2011                          
                        Waterford High School, Waterford, WI                         

                          JV Boys 5000 Meter Run                          
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Karl Chic                 12 Waterford Union            17:58.60     1
  2 Cory Rhind                10 Germantown                 18:10.40     2
  3 Trevor Becker             10 Germantown                 18:20.70     3
  4 Alex Gouvion              11 Germantown                 18:29.70     4
  5 Trent Rudebeck             9 Waterford Union            18:32.80     5
  6 Kyle Hartmann             10 Germantown                 18:37.60     6
  7 Clay Zortman              11 Waterford Union            18:41.70     7
  8 Ethan Derner              12 Waterford Union            18:51.40     8
  9 Tazarius Clark            12 Racine Horlick             18:52.60     9
 10 Pedro Rangel              11 St. Anthony's              18:56.30    10
 11 Kyle Grinwald             11 Waterford Union            18:56.80    11
 12 Michael Berger            10 Racine Park                18:59.80    --
 13 Alex Grabher               9 Racine Park                19:01.60    --
 14 Bobby Burmeister          11 Germantown                 19:01.90    12
 15 Gabriel Gasiorowski       11 Waterford Union            19:06.00    13
 16 Kyle Velez                11 Waterford Union            19:20.90    14
 17 Jordan Gunnelson          11 Germantown                 19:22.10    15
 18 Devon DuFrane             11 Germantown                 19:22.80    16
 19 Austin Fitzgerald         11 Waterford Union            19:25.50    --
 20 Henry Nelson              12 Nicolet                    19:28.40    17
 21 Alec Benner               10 Racine Park                19:28.70    --
 22 Brandon Hamm              11 Germantown                 19:32.60    --
 23 Alex Fischer               9 Waterford Union            19:36.00    --
 24 Max Crouch                 9 Nicolet                    19:37.80    18
 25 Storm Modrak               9 Waterford Union            19:38.10    --
 26 Andrew Piehler            10 Racine Horlick             19:38.80    19
 27 Jacob Schilling            9 Racine Horlick             19:40.70    20
 28 Everett Wood              11 Germantown                 19:43.10    --
 29 Zack Crafton              11 Waterford Union            19:46.80    --
 30 Mitchell Dresen           10 Racine Horlick             19:47.30    21
 31 Liam Raasch                9 Nicolet                    19:49.20    22
 32 Nate Dunn                 12 Germantown                 19:56.60    --
 33 Sean Strueder              9 Waterford Union            19:57.90    --
 34 Garrett DeBoer             9 Nicolet                    20:12.40    23
 35 Jake Verbugt              10 Germantown                 20:13.10    --
 36 Al Wilson                  9 Racine Park                20:15.70    --
 37 Zach Nelson               10 Racine Horlick             20:19.70    24
 38 Patrick McCauley          11 Racine St. Catherine's     20:20.10    --
 39 Brian Aronica              9 Nicolet                    20:21.80    25
 40 Connor Klostermann        11 Germantown                 20:23.30    --
 41 Vincent Becs              10 Racine Case                20:23.60    --
 42 Sam Haferkorn              9 Germantown                 20:24.60    --
 43 Scott Schroeder           12 Waterford Union            20:29.60    --
 44 Jesus Del Real            10 St. Anthony's              20:30.10    26
 45 Mark Schneider             9 Waterford Union            20:31.40    --
 46 Brandon Rust               9 Germantown                 20:36.40    --
 47 Nick Gizelbach            11 Germantown                 20:38.20    --
 48 Sam Choice                 9 Nicolet                    20:39.10    27
 49 Andrew Lipscomb           10 Nicolet                    20:45.30    28
 50 Daniel North              12 Waterford Union            20:46.50    --
 51 Murphy Quill              11 Racine St. Catherine's     20:50.50    --
 52 Mike Bent                 10 Racine Horlick             20:50.90    29
 53 Gus Langenfeld            10 Racine Case                20:51.20    --
 54 Malcom Marino              9 Waterford Union            20:53.70    --
 55 Zach Makal                11 Germantown                 20:54.30    --
 56 Bret Wolter                9 Union Grove                20:55.00    30
 57 Jennings Leavell          11 The Prairie School         20:55.30    --
 58 Zach Schinkowitch         10 Racine Horlick             20:58.40    31
 59 Juan Caraballo            12 Racine Horlick             21:01.30    --
 60 MJ Koerner                 9 The Prairie School         21:07.00    --
 61 Greg Lisowski             11 Germantown                 21:19.40    --
 62 Ryan Restock              11 Germantown                 21:20.00    --
 63 Connor Dunn                9 Germantown                 21:38.80    --
 64 Sam Quale                 10 Racine St. Catherine's     21:48.70    --
 65 Ben Salawater             11 Racine Horlick             21:50.50    --
 66 Michael Lubinski           9 Racine Case                21:50.90    --
 67 Karsten Acker              9 Union Grove                21:55.30    32
 68 Colby Brueggeman          10 Waterford Union            21:58.50    --
 69 Ben Rossman                9 Union Grove                22:00.80    33
 70 Cameron DeVor             11 Germantown                 22:04.60    --
 71 Carter Rushlow            10 Racine St. Catherine's     22:08.10    --
 72 Alex Koeppe                9 Germantown                 22:10.50    --
 73 Bryan Nolasco             10 St. Anthony's              22:10.90    34
 74 Matthew Bredemann         12 Racine Case                22:12.00    --
 75 Tyler Dieter              10 Union Grove                22:12.30    35
 76 Blake DeMunck             10 Germantown                 22:12.70    --
 77 Matt Monfeli              10 The Prairie School         22:20.90    --
 78 Sam Kinjerski              9 Waterford Union            22:33.40    --
 79 Josh Velez                 9 Waterford Union            22:52.00    --
 80 Leo Vasquez               10 St. Anthony's              22:55.30    36
 81 Eladio Trinidad            9 St. Anthony's              23:02.90    37
 82 Jonathan Schoenfeldt      11 Waterford Union            23:04.70    --
 83 Jerome Sindberg           11 Waterford Union            23:22.00    --
 84 Darian Stark               9 Germantown                 23:25.00    --
 85 Stephan Cannestra         11 Germantown                 23:50.20    --
 86 Anthony Porcaro           11 Racine Horlick             24:01.80    --
 87 Nick Lancaster            10 Waterford Union            24:22.70    --
 88 Jordan McBryde             9 Union Grove                24:32.10    38
 89 Joel Ramirez               9 St. Anthony's              24:51.50    39
 90 Josh Kwiatowski            9 Germantown                 24:57.40    --
 91 Cody Repinski             10 Germantown                 24:59.70    --
 92 Luke Eldridge             10 Waterford Union            25:26.50    --
 93 Jaime Nerios               9 St. Anthony's              25:27.60    40
 94 Tyler Wendt               12 Racine Horlick             25:44.80    --
 95 Victor Garcia              9 Racine Horlick             25:51.10    --
 96 Clemente Vidal             9 St. Anthony's              26:10.60    --
 97 David Ruiz                10 St. Anthony's              26:11.30    --
 98 Riley Hinners              9 Waterford Union            26:23.90    --
 99 Rob Woldt                 10 Germantown                 28:05.30    --
100 Mike McEvilly              9 Germantown                 28:05.80    --

                    JV Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores                    
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Germantown                  27      2    3    4    6   12   15   16  
      Total Time: 1:32:40      Average: 18:32.06      1-5 Split: 52
  2 Waterford Union             32      1    5    7    8   11   13   14  
      Total Time: 1:33:01      Average: 18:36.26      1-5 Split: 58
  3 Racine Horlick              93      9   19   20   21   24   29   31  
      Total Time: 1:38:19      Average: 19:39.82      1-5 Split: 1:27
  4 Nicolet                     105    17   18   22   23   25   27   28  
      Total Time: 1:39:30      Average: 19:53.92      1-5 Split: 53
  5 St. Anthony's               143    10   26   34   36   37   39   40  
      Total Time: 1:47:36      Average: 21:31.10      1-5 Split: 4:07
  6 Union Grove                 168    30   32   33   35   38    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:51:36      Average: 22:19.10      1-5 Split: 3:37