

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-03-18 Pioneer High School Meet
2025-01-25 UW-P / UW-EC / UW-SP Triangular
2024-05-13 Conference Meet
2024-03-28 UW-P / UD Dual Meet
2024-03-19 Pioneer High School Meet
2023-12-07 UW-P Time Trial
2023-10-05 Platteville Middle School Invitational
2023-09-30 Dick McKichan Platteville Invitational
2023-05-15 Six Rivers Conference Meet
2023-04-14 UW-Platteville Invitational
2023-04-01 UW-Platteville Opener
2022-10-06 Platteville Middle School Invitational
2022-10-01 Dick McKichan Platteville Invitational
2022-05-16 Six Rivers Conference Meet
2022-04-15 UW-Platteville Invitational
2022-04-02 UW-Platteville Opener
2022-03-04 UW-Platteville Final Qualifying Meet
2022-02-25 WIAC Indoor Track & Field Championships
2021-10-02 Dick McKichan Platteville Invitational
2021-04-30 UW-Platteville Border Battle
2021-03-27 Pioneer Open
2021-02-06 UW-Platteville vs UW-Whitewater
2020-02-01 UW-Platteville Select
2019-05-13 Six Rivers Conference Championship
2019-05-03 WIAC Outoor Track & Field Championships
2019-04-13 UW-Platteville Invitational
2019-03-28 UW-Platteville Invitational
2019-03-26 Pioneer HS Meet
2019-03-20 UW Platteville Tri State Large School
2019-03-16 Tri-State Small School Invitational
2019-01-26 Pioneer Open
2019-01-19 UW-Eau Claire Tri
2018-04-12 UW Platteville Invitational
2018-04-07 UW Platteville Open
2018-03-16 Tri State HS Invitational Small School
2018-03-16 Tri State HS Invitational Large School
2018-01-27 Pioneer Open
2018-01-20 UW-Eau Claire/UW-Platteville/UW-Stevens Point
2017-05-15 Six Rivers Conference Championship
2017-04-12 UW Platteville Invitational
2017-03-25 Tri-State HS Invitational Small School
2017-03-24 Tri State HS Invitational Large School
2017-01-28 UW-Platteville Select
2016-11-05 Pioneer Gender Equity Invite
2016-10-01 Platteville Invitational
2016-04-02 Benton-Scales Mound Invitational
2016-03-19 Tri State HS Invitational Large School
2016-03-19 Tri-State HS Invitational Small School
2016-01-30 UW-Platteville Select
2015-10-03 Platteville Invitational

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 - 5.00 21:00 - 7.00
16:00 - 5.00 22:00 - 7.00
17:00 - 6.00 23:00 - 8.00
18:00 - 6.00 24:00 - 8.00
19:00 - 6.00 25:00 - 8.00
20:00 - 7.00 26:00 - 9.00