Badger South Conference Championship Meet 2014 vs Badger South Conference Championship Meet 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -11 351 362
Overall Average -1:01.54 21:44.21 22:45.75
1st-10th Place -21.34 16:39.71 17:01.05
1st-25th Place -24.79 17:11.46 17:36.26
1st-50th Place -31.11 17:36.96 18:08.07
1st-100th Place -35.48 18:18.67 18:54.15
Common Athletes -- -- 49
Ran Faster 11 30 19
Ran Season Best 32 44 12
Average Time -42.80 21:42.53 22:25.33
Median Time -34.80 21:11.50 21:46.30
Middle 80% Times -33.87 21:37.04 22:10.92
Top 10% Times +23.24 17:51.82 17:28.58
Top 25% Times +22.21 18:38.21 18:16.01
Top 50% Times +4.55 19:27.35 19:22.80
Bottom 50% Times -1:28.44 23:05.60 24:34.04
Bottom 25% Times -1:50.73 25:30.19 27:20.92
Bottom 10% Times -3:09.52 27:13.90 30:23.42
Average Difference -42.80 -- --
Median Difference +1.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -33.36 -- --
Top 10% Difference +19.16 -- --
Top 50% Difference +12.46 -- --
Top 25% Difference +22.21 -- --
Top 50% Difference +12.46 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:36.31 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:05.52 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:27.80 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Charlie Ellenbecke Monona Grove +1:19.50 18:00.50 16:41.00
Drake Ingold Monroe +1:07.30 17:51.40 16:44.10
Dylan Scace Monroe -21.20 17:33.90 17:55.10
Carson Fleres Stoughton -1:55.20 17:48.40 19:43.60
Tommy Crooks Madison Edgewood +1:44.60 19:35.90 17:51.30
Derek Vaillancourt Fort Atkinson -6.50 18:04.90 18:11.40
Jason Koller Monroe -23.30 18:21.60 18:44.90
Emmett Post Stoughton +1:04.20 19:29.40 18:25.20
Eli Mccready Fort Atkinson -1:54.80 18:31.20 20:26.00
Michael Leary Fort Atkinson +1:19.50 19:55.30 18:35.80
Brok Bertalot Monroe +17.10 18:56.30 18:39.20
Tanner Hanson Stoughton +41.70 19:23.80 18:42.10
Ben Boerigter Oregon +2:29.00 21:13.80 18:44.80
Connor Brickley Oregon +53.00 19:48.10 18:55.10
Hunter Zaemisch Stoughton -52.00 19:16.00 20:08.00
Dj Gersbach Monroe +1:20.60 20:38.70 19:18.10
Tait Baldus Oregon +45.30 20:08.60 19:23.30
Sean Mclaury Stoughton -55.90 19:23.50 20:19.40
Sawyer Smith Stoughton -4:03.50 19:51.40 23:54.90
Arianna Mansavage Fort Atkinson -27.60 19:51.50 20:19.10
Rachel Meier Monroe -3:41.20 20:08.00 23:49.20
Jack Barrette Milton -1:14.80 20:19.00 21:33.80
Maddie Mcclimon Madison Edgewood -1:01.20 20:19.10 21:20.30
Colin Meidl Oregon +28.80 21:04.60 20:35.80
Ben Dresdow Fort Atkinson +50.70 21:27.60 20:36.90
Brandon Wheeler Stoughton +1.70 20:51.20 20:49.50
Molly Bittner Monona Grove -1:32.10 21:11.50 22:43.60
Olivia Kiefer Monona Grove -3:41.00 21:12.80 24:53.80
Maya Erickson Monona Grove +1.00 21:47.30 21:46.30
Gigi Zaemisch Stoughton -2:19.70 22:10.80 24:30.50
Bree Bastian Oregon -3.70 22:11.70 22:15.40
Grace Rodenberg Milton -1:26.80 22:17.40 23:44.20
Emily Reese Stoughton -1:09.10 22:25.10 23:34.20
Joe Hellenbrand Madison Edgewood +1:26.70 23:55.60 22:28.90
Lanie Kish Fort Atkinson +27.80 23:40.60 23:12.80
Faith Fletcher Fort Atkinson -58.10 23:28.10 24:26.20
Abby Tourtillott Monona Grove -1:06.50 23:52.30 24:58.80
Allison O'brien Monroe -2:51.30 23:57.20 26:48.50
Alyssa Ruehlow Monona Grove +22.70 24:21.70 23:59.00
Lilly Newbury Fort Atkinson -1:02.10 24:09.20 25:11.30
Lilly Gomez Fort Atkinson -51.80 24:17.30 25:09.10
Caitlin Kelly Oregon -40.80 24:33.40 25:14.20
Katelin Black Monroe -3:00.50 24:55.10 27:55.60
Katie Carr Madison Edgewood -43.90 25:13.50 25:57.40
Gabrielle Skerplan Stoughton +1:04.70 26:26.50 25:21.80
Lydia Golden Madison Edgewood -2:05.90 26:54.60 29:00.50
Laura Cameron Oregon -1:12.80 26:55.60 28:08.40
Calissa Dhuey Stoughton -3:51.80 27:36.20 31:28.00
Maddy Newbury Fort Atkinson -7:08.00 28:16.60 35:24.60