Marion High School Invititional 2023

Marion, WI
Hosted by Marion

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lattimer, Marvin Northland Lutheran
Berrens, Jayson Iola-Scandinavia
Buschke, Justin 11.62 Manawa
Koss, Ian 11.68 Iola-Scandinavia
Nienhaus, Tanner 11.70 Manawa
Kampert, Ryan 11.80 Iola-Scandinavia
Davenport, Ali 12.04 Menominee Indian
Myers, Billy 12.21 Iola-Scandinavia
Leafblad, Bjorn 12.54 Wisconsin Valley Lutheran
Anderson, Jamison 12.91 Northland Lutheran
Pranke, Adin 12.92 Gresham - Bowler
Kopytsia, Kyrylo 13.04 Iola-Scandinavia
Hammond, Luke 13.12 Wolf River Lutheran
Delabrau, Francis 13.25 Menominee Indian
Grunden, Colby 13.30 John Edwards
Pingel, Kellen 13.38 Gresham - Bowler
Botting, Cash 13.56 Manawa
Sechrist, Stallon 13.72 Menominee Indian
Bohmbach, Rylan 13.89 Wolf River Lutheran
Bastien, Nolan 13.89 John Edwards
Thiex, Wesley 13.96 Gresham - Bowler
Levich, Malachi 14.07 Northland Lutheran
Lange, Josh 14.56 Wolf River Lutheran
Knorr, Weston 14.59 Iola-Scandinavia
Fish, Vincent 14.72 Menominee Indian
Arvey, Marshall 14.83 Wolf River Lutheran
Anderson, Davis 14.96 Iola-Scandinavia
Pingel, Jackson 14.97 Gresham - Bowler
Mojica, Daniel 15.02 Northland Lutheran
Smith, Adam 16.42 Wolf River Lutheran
Pingel, Addison 17.20 Gresham - Bowler
Mercer, Matthew 24.10 Manawa
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rice, Jensen 16.24 Iola-Scandinavia
Meyer, Reed 18.24 Manawa
Timm, Jacob 19.73 Manawa
Paque, Patrick 19.93 Manawa
Kraemer, Mason 20.14 Iola-Scandinavia
Lange, James 20.79 Wolf River Lutheran
Marquardt, Landon 21.99 Marion
Peckham, Jonathon 26.62 John Edwards
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vater, Charlie 4:29.00 Iola-Scandinavia
Meier, Will 5:07.83 Iola-Scandinavia
Pingel, Ricky 5:11.91 Manawa
Nelson, Bryson 5:16.26 Gresham - Bowler
Beck, Ben 5:19.11 Iola-Scandinavia
Thoma, Matthew 5:24.94 Manawa
Leafblad, Bjorn 5:45.27 Wisconsin Valley Lutheran
Trebus, Jesse 5:52.89 Marion
Malueg, Eli 6:55.87 Marion
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lattimer, Marvin Northland Lutheran
Pingel, Addison Gresham - Bowler
Leafblad, Bjorn Wisconsin Valley Lutheran
Thiex, Wesley Gresham - Bowler
Duckart, Rylee John Edwards
Schlueter, Hunter 23.38 Manawa
Waupoose, Barron 23.73 Menominee Indian
Nienhaus, Tanner 23.75 Manawa
Frasier, Drake 24.20 Manawa
Davenport, Ali 24.22 Menominee Indian
Rice, Jensen 24.47 Iola-Scandinavia
Olson, Izyck 25.10 Iola-Scandinavia
Myers, Burkley 25.40 Iola-Scandinavia
Kopytsia, Kyrylo 25.84 Iola-Scandinavia
Vanden Bush, Adam 26.10 Iola-Scandinavia
Grunden, Colby 26.34 John Edwards
Buelow, Prestyn 26.51 Manawa
Pranke, Adin 26.90 Gresham - Bowler
Hammond, Luke 26.91 Wolf River Lutheran
Anderson, Jamison 27.20 Northland Lutheran
Paque, Patrick 27.29 Manawa
Trebus, Jesse 27.81 Marion
Sechrist, Stallon 27.91 Menominee Indian
Bastien, Nolan 28.94 John Edwards
Bohmbach, Rylan 29.81 Wolf River Lutheran
Levich, Malachi 29.97 Northland Lutheran
Mojica, Daniel 31.22 Northland Lutheran
Mercer, Matthew 62.93 Manawa
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buschke, Justin 46.78 Manawa
Timm, Jacob 47.14 Manawa
Meyer, Reed 47.87 Manawa
Kraemer, Mason 50.33 Iola-Scandinavia
Lange, James 52.79 Wolf River Lutheran
Peckham, Jonathon 55.83 John Edwards
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelson, Bryson 11:29.21 Gresham - Bowler
Thoma, Matthew 12:14.93 Manawa
Vater, Charlie 9:20.15 Iola-Scandinavia
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chapman, Jason Menominee Indian
Schraeder, Jack 1:02.64 John Edwards
Peters, Michael 1:06.74 Menominee Indian
Koss, Ian 52.57 Iola-Scandinavia
Schlueter, Hunter 54.00h Manawa
Frasier, Drake 54.42 Manawa
Lashua, Jacob 57.48 Iola-Scandinavia
Duckart, Rylee 59.05 John Edwards
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northland Lutheran
Relay Team A 46.10 Iola-Scandinavia
Relay Team A 47.47 Menominee Indian
Relay Team A 50.00h Manawa
Relay Team A 55.50 Wolf River Lutheran
Relay Team A 56.17 Marion
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Menominee Indian
Relay Team A 1:41.53 Iola-Scandinavia
Relay Team A 1:45.00h Manawa
Relay Team A 1:55.59 John Edwards
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:02.00h Manawa
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:26.92 Manawa
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Davis Iola-Scandinavia
Kaquatosh, Julius Menominee Indian
Vater, Charlie 2:02.63 Iola-Scandinavia
Lashua, Jacob 2:09.10 Iola-Scandinavia
Meier, Will 2:15.23 Iola-Scandinavia
Schraeder, Jack 2:17.90 John Edwards
Beck, Ben 2:19.88 Iola-Scandinavia
Jaeckle, Brady 2:21.01 Manawa
Delabrau, Francis 2:25.29 Menominee Indian
Peters, Michael 2:43.65 Menominee Indian
Malueg, Eli 3:05.57 Marion
Gajewski, Zachary 4:26.64 Northland Lutheran
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HS Boys Discus Throw 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pingel, Kellen 136-10 Gresham - Bowler
Pingel, Jackson 117-7 Gresham - Bowler
Knorr, Weston 113-3 Iola-Scandinavia
Martin, Anthony 106-4 Menominee Indian
Andreasen, Aric 104-6 John Edwards
Kraemer, Mason 101-4 Iola-Scandinavia
Gasch, Easton 100-9 John Edwards
Doede, Ryan 99-11 Iola-Scandinavia
Timm, Jacob 91-4 Manawa
Anderson, Davis 89-6 Iola-Scandinavia
Kroseberg, Brian 88-0.5 Iola-Scandinavia
Nienhaus, Tanner 87-4 Manawa
Kazynski, Brad 86-7 Wolf River Lutheran
Herro, Tristan 84-11 Marion
Kreuger, Sean 80-10 Iola-Scandinavia
Bierman, Brandon 80-10 Manawa
Dodge, Francis 80-1 Menominee Indian
Guzman, Miklo 68-1 Menominee Indian
Thomas, Liam 67-9 Marion
Pingel, Addison 66-3 Gresham - Bowler
Lange, Josh 63-1 Wolf River Lutheran
Smith, Adam 57-5 Wolf River Lutheran
Demaskie, Ezra 38-9 Gresham - Bowler
Mercer, Matthew Manawa
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HS Boys High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kietlinski, Emmitt 6-8 Gresham - Bowler
Gorman, Nathan 6-2 Manawa
Beck, Ben 5-2 Iola-Scandinavia
Pingel, Kellen 5-0 Gresham - Bowler
Heise, Nolan 5-0 Manawa
Herro, Tristan 4-11 Marion
Kraemer, Mason 4-10 Iola-Scandinavia
Peeters, Nathaniel Iola-Scandinavia
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HS Boys Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Koss, Ian 21-2.5 Iola-Scandinavia
Kietlinski, Emmitt 20-2 Gresham - Bowler
Heise, Nolan 17-8.5 Manawa
Hammond, Luke 17-5 Wolf River Lutheran
Meyer, Reed 17-4 Manawa
Awonohopay, Kenew 16-6.5 Menominee Indian
Pranke, Adin 16-1.5 Gresham - Bowler
Herro, Tristan 15-9.5 Marion
Botting, Cash 14-11.75 Manawa
Davenport, Ali 14-9 Menominee Indian
Bohmbach, Rylan 14-8 Wolf River Lutheran
Levich, Malachi 14-5 Northland Lutheran
Fish, Vincent 13-11.5 Menominee Indian
Pingel, Jackson 13-6.5 Gresham - Bowler
Marquardt, Landon 13-4 Marion
Anderson, Jamison 12-7.5 Northland Lutheran
Thiex, Wesley 12-5.5 Gresham - Bowler
Arvey, Marshall 11-3.25 Wolf River Lutheran
Mojica, Daniel 10-7 Northland Lutheran
Chapman, Jason Menominee Indian
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HS Boys Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knorr, Weston 40-1 Iola-Scandinavia
Pingel, Jackson 38-2.5 Gresham - Bowler
Pingel, Kellen 36-8 Gresham - Bowler
Doede, Ryan 35-9 Iola-Scandinavia
Gasch, Easton 35-7 John Edwards
Bierman, Brandon 33-7 Manawa
Guzman, Miklo 32-6 Menominee Indian
Kroseberg, Brian 32-3.5 Iola-Scandinavia
Martin, Anthony 32-3 Menominee Indian
Kazynski, Brad 31-9 Wolf River Lutheran
Andreasen, Aric 31-4.5 John Edwards
Anderson, Davis 31-0 Iola-Scandinavia
Berrens, Jayson 30-6.5 Iola-Scandinavia
Kopytsia, Kyrylo 29-10 Iola-Scandinavia
Pingel, Addison 28-2.25 Gresham - Bowler
Kreuger, Sean 27-0 Iola-Scandinavia
Lange, Josh 26-9 Wolf River Lutheran
Thomas, Liam 26-4 Marion
Smith, Adam 25-11 Wolf River Lutheran
Demaskie, Ezra 18-8 Gresham - Bowler
Mercer, Matthew 16-5.5 Manawa
Lattimer, Marvin Northland Lutheran
Hawpetoss, Houston Menominee Indian
Myers, Billy Iola-Scandinavia
Thiex, Wesley Gresham - Bowler
Pranke, Adin Gresham - Bowler
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kietlinski, Emmitt 44-11 Gresham - Bowler
Koss, Ian 43-2.25 Iola-Scandinavia
Waupoose, Barron 40-4.25 Menominee Indian
Meyer, Reed 37-2 Manawa
Buschke, Justin 36-7.5 Manawa
Awonohopay, Kenew 34-8 Menominee Indian
Nelson, Bryson 34-3.5 Gresham - Bowler
Lange, James 31-4 Wolf River Lutheran
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schramm, Luise Iola-Scandinavia
Smith, Ayanna Menominee Indian
Freudenwald, Madisyn Northland Lutheran
Peters, Anisa Menominee Indian
Gjerde, Sarah Northland Lutheran
Waukau, Lena Menominee Indian
Tomow, Madeline Menominee Indian
Rieth, Isemina 13.42 Northland Lutheran
Trinrud, Alivia 13.85 Manawa
Reedy, Jemy 14.07 Gresham - Bowler
Zhuckkahosee, Alexis 14.16 Menominee Indian
Bessette, Lizzy 14.50 Manawa
Korotka, Alexa 15.73 Manawa
Wudstrack, Lily 15.92 Marion
Liethen, Nevaeha 16.01 Marion
Bailey, Peytra 16.27 Marion
Abad, Rocio 16.34 Manawa
Arzac, Isabel 16.51 Iola-Scandinavia
Fahser, Drie 16.57 Manawa
Esnal, Olarizu 16.59 Iola-Scandinavia
Klockziem, Elizabeth 16.80 Wolf River Lutheran
Meister, Hailey 17.06 Marion
Larson, Madison 17.87 Marion
Kimble-Tomow, Kayena 18.07 Gresham - Bowler
Charoenwatcharapai, Panchita 18.47 Manawa
Karst, Jorja 18.59 Marion
Young, Julia 19.31 Wolf River Lutheran
Westcott, Chloe 19.58 Gresham - Bowler
Reichle, Mina 20.47 Wolf River Lutheran
Leithan, Nevaeha 20.52 Marion
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elmhorst, Abby 17.45 Manawa
Bonikowske, McKenzie 18.52 Iola-Scandinavia
Komanekin, Emma 20.22 Menominee Indian
Hoyord, Addyson 20.98 Iola-Scandinavia
Peters, Danica 21.78 Gresham - Bowler
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reevis, Urijah Menominee Indian
Miller, Sienna Iola-Scandinavia
Donovan, Baylee Iola-Scandinavia
Klatt, Marilyn 5:46.15 Manawa
Leonard, Alexa 6:07.37 Northland Lutheran
Ogle, Kate 6:58.46 Manawa
Pingel, Grace 7:29.69 Manawa
Jones, Kelly 7:42.98 Iola-Scandinavia
Koch, Ruby 7:59.25 Iola-Scandinavia
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waukau, Lena Menominee Indian
Kruncoes, Amber Northland Lutheran
Demaskie, Willow Gresham - Bowler
Turney, Taylor Menominee Indian
Kleinschmidt, Samanatha Northland Lutheran
Hoyord, Addyson Iola-Scandinavia
Kimble-Tomow, Kayena Gresham - Bowler
Rieth, Isemina 29.26 Northland Lutheran
Hedtke, Lexi 29.30 Manawa
Gruba, Naomee 30.01 John Edwards
Jochimsen, Lia 31.47 John Edwards
Tomow, Madeline 32.19 Menominee Indian
Bonikowske, McKenzie 33.09 Iola-Scandinavia
Arndt, Cassie 33.19 Manawa
Peters, Anisa 33.26 Menominee Indian
Arzac, Isabel 34.89 Iola-Scandinavia
Fahser, Drie 35.21 Manawa
Ziisch, Natalie 36.35 Northland Lutheran
Klockziem, Elizabeth 36.45 Wolf River Lutheran
Esnal, Olarizu 36.57 Iola-Scandinavia
Abad, Rocio 36.67 Manawa
Young, Julia 41.06 Wolf River Lutheran
Charoenwatcharapai, Panchita 42.79 Manawa
Reichle, Mina 44.56 Wolf River Lutheran
Westcott, Chloe 46.18 Gresham - Bowler
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Much, Bridget Marion
Elmhorst, Abby 50.92 Manawa
Komanekin, Emma 51.40 Menominee Indian
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baumann, Arabella Northland Lutheran
Leonard, Alexa 13:20.68 Northland Lutheran
Weber, Alecia 14:55.69 Manawa
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meister, Jamie Northland Lutheran
Vanden Heuvel, Rylee 1:09.56 Manawa
Jochimsen, Lia 1:11.23 John Edwards
Nacotee, Keira 1:13.45 Menominee Indian
Miller, Sienna 1:16.00h Iola-Scandinavia
Lacour, Kari 1:18.45 John Edwards
Turney, Taylor 1:22.77 Menominee Indian
Gourley, Cami 1:24.18 Gresham - Bowler
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northland Lutheran
Relay Team A 1:00.46 Gresham - Bowler
Relay Team A 1:01.00h Manawa
Relay Team A 1:07.19 Marion
Relay Team A 58.23 Menominee Indian
Relay Team A 58.92 Iola-Scandinavia
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northland Lutheran
Relay Team A 1:55.27 Manawa
Relay Team A 2:11.62 Gresham - Bowler
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Gresham - Bowler
Relay Team A 5:00.00h Manawa
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 12:15.00 Manawa
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Kelly Iola-Scandinavia
Lacour, Kari John Edwards
Klatt, Marilyn 2:34.09 Manawa
Jaeger, Jolie 2:39.18 Manawa
Nacotee, Keira 2:56.32 Menominee Indian
Gourley, Cami 3:08.41 Gresham - Bowler
Koch, Ruby 3:26.74 Iola-Scandinavia
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HS Girls Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santos, Olivia 119-6 Manawa
Korotka, Alexa 78-2 Manawa
Ferg, Isabella 76-4 Manawa
Arndt, Cassie 69-6 Manawa
Bortle, Leah 65-6 Manawa
Jensen, Emily 64-1 Gresham - Bowler
Williams, Maggie 61-4 Iola-Scandinavia
Peters, Danica 53-10 Gresham - Bowler
Wudstrack, Lily 51-4 Marion
Kelley, Samara 50-10 Menominee Indian
Leithan, Nevaeha 49-0 Marion
Bailey, Peytra 48-3 Marion
Meister, Hailey 48-3 Marion
Marcoux, Jo 48-2 John Edwards
Gourley, Cami 45-9 Gresham - Bowler
Kimble-Tomow, Kayena 44-2 Gresham - Bowler
Broddock-Madosh, Jaycee Menominee Indian
Nacotee, Keira Menominee Indian
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HS Girls High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hedtke, Lexi 5-2 Manawa
Arndt, Cassie 4-9 Manawa
Schramm, Luise 4-2 Iola-Scandinavia
Perez, Alivia 3-10 Gresham - Bowler
Westcott, Chloe 3-4 Gresham - Bowler
Zhuckkahosee, Alexis Menominee Indian
Smith, Ayanna Menominee Indian
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HS Girls Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Komanekin, Emma 15-7.5 Menominee Indian
Elmhorst, Abby 14-11.25 Manawa
Krueger, Daisy 14-9.5 Manawa
Gruba, Naomee 13-10.5 John Edwards
Demaskie, Willow 13-1.5 Gresham - Bowler
Hoyord, Addyson 13-0.25 Iola-Scandinavia
Miller, Sienna 12-11 Iola-Scandinavia
Karst, Jorja 11-9 Marion
Arzac, Isabel 11-6.75 Iola-Scandinavia
Wudstrack, Lily 11-4 Marion
Baumann, Arabella 11-0 Northland Lutheran
Esnal, Olarizu 10-0.5 Iola-Scandinavia
Klockziem, Elizabeth 9-1.75 Wolf River Lutheran
Young, Julia 8-9.5 Wolf River Lutheran
Reichle, Mina 8-3.75 Wolf River Lutheran
Freudenwald, Madisyn Northland Lutheran
Kruncoes, Amber Northland Lutheran
Meister, Jamie Northland Lutheran
Gjerde, Sarah Northland Lutheran
Smith, Ayanna Menominee Indian
Nacotee, Keira Menominee Indian
Reevis, Urijah Menominee Indian
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HS Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santos, Olivia 37-5 Manawa
Rieth, Isemina 32-10.25 Northland Lutheran
Ferg, Isabella 29-5.5 Manawa
Jensen, Emily 27-3.5 Gresham - Bowler
Donovan, Baylee 27-1 Iola-Scandinavia
Feil, Tessa 25-9 Manawa
Terrio, Tia 25-0.75 Gresham - Bowler
Larson, Madison 23-0 Marion
Williams, Maggie 22-10 Iola-Scandinavia
Bortle, Leah 22-9.5 Manawa
Baumann, Arabella 21-10.5 Northland Lutheran
Schramm, Luise 20-6.5 Iola-Scandinavia
Schmidt, Rachel 20-1 Northland Lutheran
Marcoux, Jo 19-11.75 John Edwards
Kelley, Samara 19-7.5 Menominee Indian
Leithan, Nevaeha 18-8 Marion
Kimble-Tomow, Kayena 18-3.75 Gresham - Bowler
Westcott, Chloe 14-11 Gresham - Bowler
Kruncoes, Amber Northland Lutheran
Broddock-Madosh, Jaycee Menominee Indian
Smith, Ayanna Menominee Indian
Korotka, Alexa Manawa
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hedtke, Lexi 34-4.25 Manawa
Krueger, Daisy 30-11.5 Manawa
Bonikowske, McKenzie 30-10 Iola-Scandinavia
Komanekin, Emma 30-0.5 Menominee Indian
Reedy, Jemy 26-0 Gresham - Bowler
Much, Bridget 24-1 Marion
Terrio, Tia 23-9 Gresham - Bowler
Peters, Danica 22-8 Gresham - Bowler
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