Mondovi High School Triangular 2023

Mondovi, WI
Hosted by Colfax

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lillo, Jacob Immanuel Lutheran
Sprengeler, John Immanuel Lutheran
Falkenberg, Levi Immanuel Lutheran
Tait, Carson 11.03 Eau Claire Regis
Figy, Alex 11.53 Eau Claire Regis
Andrews, Ian 11.63 Eau Claire Regis
Tait, Evrett 11.63 Eau Claire Regis
Rud, Dawson 11.82 Mondovi
Larson, Maddex 11.85 Mondovi
Hornstein, Evan 12.40h Cumberland
Frank, Paul 12.54 Immanuel Lutheran
Marten, Max 12.58 Mondovi
Berghammer, Chayden 12.60h Cumberland
Snyder, Peyton 12.70 Mondovi
Jain, Josh 12.87 Cumberland
Mauer, Mark 12.91 Eau Claire Regis
Whiteside, Carter 12.96 Eau Claire Regis
Heike, Carter 12.98 Mondovi
Vasquez Belloso, Nelson 13.00 Cumberland
Catlin, Carson 13.00h Cumberland
Kenast, Greg 13.10h Cumberland
Kiekhoefer, Ty 13.12 Cumberland
Martinez, Edwin 13.20h Cumberland
Larson, Braedon 13.33 Mondovi
Ranallo, Roman 13.40h Cumberland
Pfeiffer, Sam 13.42 Immanuel Lutheran
Betcher, Luke 13.46 Eau Claire Regis
Olson, Micah 13.46 Eau Claire Regis
Gallaher, Tyler 13.52 Immanuel Lutheran
Wicke, Matt 13.58 Cumberland
Hairston, DeShawn 13.93 Eau Claire Regis
Bauer, Evan 14.45 Mondovi
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Falkner, Jarod 15.89 Mondovi
Larson, Braedon 18.46 Mondovi
Bauer, Evan 19.90 Mondovi
Schradle, Jacob 20.00h Cumberland
Mulikin, Ethan 22.00h Cumberland
Schoonover, Keaton 23.57 Mondovi
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Landon 4:56.10 Mondovi
Brantner, Angelo 4:59.49 Eau Claire Regis
Fossum, Micah 5:00.13 Immanuel Lutheran
Swint, Josh 5:13.44 Cumberland
Jergenson, Bryce 5:36.93 Cumberland
Burke, Conner 5:45.00h Cumberland
Santine, Dominic 5:45.00h Eau Claire Regis
Smith, Dallas 5:47.82 Cumberland
Caporusso, Holden 6:00.00h Eau Claire Regis
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whiteside, Carter Eau Claire Regis
Havemeier, Vance Immanuel Lutheran
Tait, Carson 22.55 Eau Claire Regis
Larson, Maddex 23.94 Mondovi
Tait, Evrett 24.08 Eau Claire Regis
Figy, Alex 24.08 Eau Claire Regis
Andrews, Ian 24.16 Eau Claire Regis
Rud, Dawson 24.51 Mondovi
Arndt, Caleb 24.67 Immanuel Lutheran
Marten, Max 25.30h Mondovi
Vasquez Belloso, Nelson 25.83 Cumberland
Hornstein, Evan 25.90h Cumberland
Jain, Josh 25.98 Cumberland
Catlin, Carson 26.00h Cumberland
Radichel, Titus 26.32 Immanuel Lutheran
Mauer, Mark 26.90 Eau Claire Regis
Kiekhoefer, Ty 27.20h Cumberland
Gallaher, Tyler 27.39 Immanuel Lutheran
Ranallo, Roman 27.40h Cumberland
Wicke, Matt 27.49 Cumberland
Martinez, Edwin 27.50h Cumberland
Betcher, Luke 28.07 Eau Claire Regis
Kenast, Greg 28.20h Cumberland
Olson, Micah 28.45 Eau Claire Regis
Hairston, DeShawn 28.74 Eau Claire Regis
Linse, Gabe 33.50h Mondovi
Schoonover, Keaton 35.88 Mondovi
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Falkner, Jarod 43.67 Mondovi
Larson, Braedon 47.15 Mondovi
Schradle, Jacob 49.00h Cumberland
Bauer, Evan 49.41 Mondovi
Mulikin, Ethan 53.00h Cumberland
Schoonover, Keaton 57.44 Mondovi
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fossum, Micah 10:54.10 Immanuel Lutheran
Brantner, Angelo 11:05.73 Eau Claire Regis
Santine, Dominic 11:45.00 Eau Claire Regis
Swint, Josh 12:38.11 Cumberland
Richter, Jack 12:50.00 Cumberland
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Saldana, Daniel 1:00.50h Mondovi
Vasquez Belloso, Nelson 1:01.00h Cumberland
Catlin, Carson 1:02.00h Cumberland
Strahm, Brady 1:03.00h Eau Claire Regis
Hornstein, Evan 1:03.00h Cumberland
Kenast, Greg 1:03.00h Cumberland
Martinez, Edwin 1:04.00h Cumberland
Hairston, DeShawn 1:06.19 Eau Claire Regis
Jain, Josh 56.74 Cumberland
Kiekhoefer, Ty 59.00h Cumberland
Hass, Carson 59.00h Mondovi
Rustad, Issac 59.10h Mondovi
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eau Claire Regis
Relay Team A 46.63 Mondovi
Relay Team A 47.00h Cumberland
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Immanuel Lutheran
Relay Team A Eau Claire Regis
Relay Team A 1:41.00h Cumberland
Relay Team A 2:25.50h Mondovi
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:56.00h Cumberland
Relay Team A 3:58.60 Mondovi
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:30.00h Cumberland
Relay Team A 9:35.00h Eau Claire Regis
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Boys 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Landon 2:12.36 Mondovi
Strahm, Brady 2:18.00h Eau Claire Regis
Hass, Carson 2:24.62 Mondovi
Rustad, Issac 2:25.34 Mondovi
Swint, Josh 2:30.00h Cumberland
Carstensen, George 2:30.17 Immanuel Lutheran
Caporusso, Holden 2:31.89 Eau Claire Regis
Burke, Conner 2:32.00h Cumberland
Hile, Noah 2:35.00h Cumberland
Pfeiffer, Sam 2:39.23 Immanuel Lutheran
Saldana, Daniel 2:41.65 Mondovi
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Boys Discus 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cunningham, Ben 123-9 Cumberland
Linse, Jonah 106-2 Mondovi
Straw, Marshall 102-7 Cumberland
Semling, Landon 100-11 Eau Claire Regis
Simon, Lucas 98-3 Cumberland
Miller, Zach 97-0 Mondovi
Teigen, Tristen 94-6 Mondovi
Falkenberg, Levi 90-1 Immanuel Lutheran
Allen, RyKer 88-1 Cumberland
Burhop, Tyler 86-5 Eau Claire Regis
Lillo, Jacob 85-3 Immanuel Lutheran
Ranallo, Roman 78-10 Cumberland
Frank, Paul 72-9 Immanuel Lutheran
Dominguez, Kevin 72-1 Mondovi
Kiekhoefer, Ty 70-0 Cumberland
Odegard, Ethan 69-5 Mondovi
Linse, Gabe 67-7 Mondovi
Swint, Christian 60-0 Cumberland
Martin, Carter 39-3 Immanuel Lutheran
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Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kasper, Nick 6-2 Cumberland
Gores, Gavin 6-0 Cumberland
Radichel, Titus 5-8 Immanuel Lutheran
Effertz, Jax 5-4 Cumberland
Plath, Andy 5-2 Immanuel Lutheran
Olson, Micah 5-0 Eau Claire Regis
Heike, Carter 5-0 Mondovi
Skroch, Wyatt 5-0 Mondovi
Rustad, Issac 4-10 Mondovi
Sprengeler, John 4-10 Immanuel Lutheran
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Boys Long Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kasper, Nick 20-2.75 Cumberland
Arndt, Caleb 19-0 Immanuel Lutheran
Plath, Andy 17-3.5 Immanuel Lutheran
Havemeier, Vance 17-1.5 Immanuel Lutheran
Bauer, Evan 16-11 Mondovi
Jergenson, Bryce 16-6.5 Cumberland
Berghammer, Chayden 16-0 Cumberland
Smith, Dallas 15-7 Cumberland
Gallaher, Tyler 15-2 Immanuel Lutheran
Catlin, Carson 15-0 Cumberland
Martinez, Edwin 15-0 Cumberland
Mulikin, Ethan 15-0 Cumberland
Betcher, Luke 14-10.5 Eau Claire Regis
Kenast, Greg 14-0 Cumberland
Marten, Max Mondovi
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Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Falkner, Jarod 12-6 Mondovi
Jain, Josh 8-6 Cumberland
Vasquez Belloso, Nelson 8-0 Cumberland
Skroch, Wyatt 7-0 Mondovi
Hile, Noah 7-0 Cumberland
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Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Falkner, Jarod 44-5.25 Mondovi
Allen, RyKer 41-6.5 Cumberland
Lillo, Jacob 39-2.5 Immanuel Lutheran
Burhop, Tyler 38-1.5 Eau Claire Regis
Semling, Landon 37-2.5 Eau Claire Regis
Cunningham, Ben 36-5 Cumberland
Teigen, Tristen 36-4.5 Mondovi
Straw, Marshall 35-10 Cumberland
Simon, Lucas 34-8 Cumberland
Linse, Jonah 34-2 Mondovi
Miller, Zach 33-8 Mondovi
Linse, Gabe 30-10 Mondovi
Dominguez, Kevin 30-9.5 Mondovi
Frank, Paul 29-6.75 Immanuel Lutheran
Falkenberg, Levi 29-4 Immanuel Lutheran
Ranallo, Roman 28-0 Cumberland
Odegard, Ethan 27-7 Mondovi
Schradle, Jacob 26-0 Cumberland
Swint, Christian 26-0 Cumberland
Martin, Carter Immanuel Lutheran
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Boys Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kasper, Nick 41-6.5 Cumberland
Jergenson, Bryce 34-8.25 Cumberland
Carstensen, George 34-7 Immanuel Lutheran
Skroch, Wyatt 34-4 Mondovi
Mulikin, Ethan 32-0 Cumberland
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arndt, Audrey 12.89 Immanuel Lutheran
Borst, Carly 12.99 Eau Claire Regis
Bennett, Sam 13.65 Mondovi
Thomas, Addy 13.66 Mondovi
Brion, Kali 13.68 Mondovi
Gray, Ava 13.80h Mondovi
Cardona Ferrer, Ary 14.30 Eau Claire Regis
Dewitt, Shaelee 14.36 Mondovi
Tschirhart, Brooklynn 14.44 Cumberland
Erdman, Savannah 14.75 Mondovi
Clark, Idella 14.92 Cumberland
Guth, Morgan 14.99 Mondovi
Rykal, Cece 15.33 Mondovi
Capra, Josie 15.64 Cumberland
Callow, Hannah 15.70h Cumberland
Lang, Sarina 15.78 Cumberland
Kidess, Layal 15.79 Eau Claire Regis
Pinnerud, Abigail 15.80h Cumberland
Beecroft, Lily 15.86 Cumberland
Anderson, Mya 15.89 Cumberland
Lau, Lydia 15.93 Immanuel Lutheran
Rodriguez, Indira 16.16 Cumberland
Jensen, Jacelin 16.20 Eau Claire Regis
Johnson, Aubrey 16.30 Eau Claire Regis
Johnson, Riley 17.25 Eau Claire Regis
Caffini, Maria 17.65 Eau Claire Regis
Quizhpe, Lenny 18.16 Eau Claire Regis
Pankievicova, Lily 20.55 Eau Claire Regis
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Noeldner, Becky Immanuel Lutheran
Arndt, Audrey 16.90 Immanuel Lutheran
Gray, Ava 16.94 Mondovi
Otto, Andie 17.40h Cumberland
Marx, Sydney 17.61 Eau Claire Regis
Hyatt, Siri 17.80h Cumberland
Lussier, Courtney 18.60h Cumberland
Carstensen, Sophia 18.93 Immanuel Lutheran
Schug, Gabrielle 20.00h Cumberland
Koenitzer, Mahkenzee 20.19 Mondovi
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stadter, Caitlyn 5:48.58 Mondovi
McCreary, Carly 5:52.52 Cumberland
Moore, Ava 6:01.88 Eau Claire Regis
Schaller, Laura 6:22.17 Immanuel Lutheran
Roen, Vi 7:00 Eau Claire Regis
Catt, Rebecca 7:27.96 Eau Claire Regis
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carstensen, Sophia Immanuel Lutheran
Lau, Lydia Immanuel Lutheran
Arndt, Audrey 26.19 Immanuel Lutheran
Borst, Carly 27.06 Eau Claire Regis
Thomas, Addy 28.53 Mondovi
Lussier, Courtney 29.95 Cumberland
Hammett, Evalin 30.02 Immanuel Lutheran
Dewitt, Shaelee 30.18 Mondovi
Mendoza, Miah 31.55 Cumberland
Cardona Ferrer, Ary 31.76 Eau Claire Regis
Erdman, Savannah 31.80h Mondovi
Gardner, Mya 32.0 Cumberland
Tschirhart, Brooklynn 32.25 Cumberland
Bauer, Brooklyn 32.47 Mondovi
Anderson, Mya 32.56 Cumberland
Capra, Josie 32.63 Cumberland
Lang, Sarina 32.72 Cumberland
Kidess, Layal 33.28 Eau Claire Regis
Pinnerud, Abigail 33.50h Cumberland
Jensen, Jacelin 34.47 Eau Claire Regis
Johnson, Aubrey 36.18 Eau Claire Regis
Caffini, Maria 37.44 Eau Claire Regis
Johnson, Riley 38.35 Eau Claire Regis
Quizhpe, Lenny 40.69 Eau Claire Regis
Pankievicova, Lily 44.69 Eau Claire Regis
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Ava 50.47 Mondovi
Everson, Paige 51.10h Mondovi
Marx, Sydney 51.14 Eau Claire Regis
Otto, Andie 53.50 Cumberland
Lussier, Courtney 54.69 Cumberland
Hyatt, Siri 56.44 Cumberland
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCreary, Carly 13:09.64 Cumberland
Peterson, Alexis 14:00.00 Cumberland
Moore, Ava 14:17.62 Eau Claire Regis
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hammett, Evalin Immanuel Lutheran
Borst, Carly 1:00.00 Eau Claire Regis
Stadter, Courtney 1:06.00h Mondovi
Spangler, Sylvia 1:07 Eau Claire Regis
LeDuc, Grace 1:07.15 Immanuel Lutheran
Noeldner, Becky 1:13.03 Immanuel Lutheran
Schug, Gabrielle 1:15.00h Cumberland
Pinnerud, Abigail 1:15.00h Cumberland
Bauer, Brooklyn 1:16.94h Mondovi
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eau Claire Regis
Relay Team A 53.99 Mondovi
Relay Team A 55.00h Cumberland
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eau Claire Regis
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Cumberland
Relay Team A 2:39.70h Mondovi
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:40.15 Mondovi
Relay Team A 5:00.00h Cumberland
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:55.00 Eau Claire Regis
Relay Team A 12:45.00 Cumberland
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Girls 800 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stadter, Courtney 2:27.07 Mondovi
McCreary, Carly 2:27.50 Cumberland
Stadter, Caitlyn 2:36.60 Mondovi
LeDuc, Grace 2:38.73 Immanuel Lutheran
Spangler, Sylvia 2:53.06 Eau Claire Regis
Noeldner, Becky 2:53.77 Immanuel Lutheran
Roen, Vi 3:00.00h Eau Claire Regis
Catt, Rebecca 3:15.63 Eau Claire Regis
Witthoft, Alexis 3:28.32 Cumberland
Effertz, Addison 3:38.47 Cumberland
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Girls Discus 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lund, Amber 100-2 Mondovi
Van Riper, Emily 86-1 Mondovi
Olson, Cara 81-2 Eau Claire Regis
Odden, Charlotte 76-9 Cumberland
Jardine, Julia 68-11 Mondovi
Lau, Lydia 66-8.5 Immanuel Lutheran
Beecroft, Lily 62-1 Cumberland
Rustad, Alexis 60-11 Mondovi
Mathison, Lizzie 57-11 Cumberland
Rodriguez, Indira 55-0 Cumberland
Callow, Hannah 50-0 Cumberland
Chodera, Cadance 47-10 Mondovi
Thomas, Chloie 31-8 Mondovi
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Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hyatt, Siri 5-0 Cumberland
Bennett, Sam 4-8 Mondovi
Carstensen, Sophia 4-8 Immanuel Lutheran
Marx, Sydney 4-4 Eau Claire Regis
Everson, Paige 4-4 Mondovi
Koenitzer, Mahkenzee 4-4 Mondovi
Jensen, Jacelin 4-2 Eau Claire Regis
Witthoft, Alexis 4-2 Cumberland
Peterson, Alexis 4-2 Cumberland
Rykal, Cece 4-0 Mondovi
Hammett, Evalin 3-8 Immanuel Lutheran
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Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Otto, Andie 16-3.5 Cumberland
Arndt, Audrey 15-10.5 Immanuel Lutheran
Gray, Ava 14-5 Mondovi
Carstensen, Sophia 14-5 Immanuel Lutheran
Clark, Idella 14-0 Cumberland
Erdman, Savannah 13-6 Mondovi
Capra, Josie 13-0.5 Cumberland
Bauer, Brooklyn 12-5 Mondovi
Tschirhart, Brooklynn 12-2.25 Cumberland
Hammett, Evalin 12-1.5 Immanuel Lutheran
Guth, Morgan 12-1 Mondovi
Pinnerud, Abigail 12-0 Cumberland
Lang, Sarina 11-4 Cumberland
Schug, Gabrielle 10-5 Cumberland
Marx, Sydney Eau Claire Regis
Jensen, Jacelin Eau Claire Regis
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Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCreary, Carly 7-0 Cumberland
Dewitt, Shaelee 6-6 Mondovi
Lussier, Courtney 6-0 Cumberland
Gardner, Mya 6-0 Cumberland
Mendoza, Miah 5-0 Cumberland
Rodriguez, Indira 5-0 Cumberland
Callow, Hannah Cumberland
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Girls Shot Put 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Van Riper, Emily 31-0 Mondovi
Olson, Cara 29-0.5 Eau Claire Regis
Lund, Amber 28-6.25 Mondovi
Beecroft, Lily 25-0 Cumberland
Odden, Charlotte 23-0 Cumberland
Jardine, Julia 22-11 Mondovi
Lau, Lydia 22-8.25 Immanuel Lutheran
Mathison, Lizzie 22-0 Cumberland
Rodriguez, Indira 22-0 Cumberland
Callow, Hannah 22-0 Cumberland
Rustad, Alexis 19-10.5 Mondovi
Thomas, Chloie 17-3.5 Mondovi
Chodera, Cadance 16-0 Mondovi
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Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Otto, Andie 31-10 Cumberland
Koenitzer, Mahkenzee 29-6 Mondovi
Anderson, Mya 26-2.25 Cumberland
Capra, Josie 24-0 Cumberland
Lang, Sarina 24-0 Cumberland
Schug, Gabrielle 23-8 Cumberland
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