Midwest Invitational 2023

Janesville, WI
Timing/Results TrackSide Timing

Meet Information

Registration:  Registration opens Wednesday, September 6th and closes at 11PM on Wednesday, September 20th. Teams will submit their entries through MileSplit.com. The meet should already appear on your calendar, and general entry instructions can be found here.

If you are a first time user of MileSplit, please see these additional instructions to claim your team and note that this may take a day for MileSplit to verify your role as a coach.

We will take any changes, corrections or substitutions at the finish line on race day. Please be prepared to provide the correct spelling of first and last name, gender, grade, and of course team. The subs will take the bib of the runner they replace.

Each team MUST have at least five runners start the varsity race.

Please contact In Focus Timing with any questions about entries at info@infocustiming.com. Please do not contact Janesville Craig with registration/timing questions.

Volunteer meeting

7:45 AM

Finish Area

Coaches meeting

8:30 AM

Finish Area

Blue Race Girls (26:00 cut off)

9:00 AM

9:45 awards tent

Blue Race Boys (21:45 cut off)

9:35 AM

10:15 awards tent

Varsity HS Girls (Top 5-7)

10:10 AM

10:50 awards tent

Varsity HS Boys (Top 5-7)

10:45 AM

11:25 awards tent

White Race HS Girls (26:00+ racers)

11:20 AM

12:05 awards tent

White Race HS Boys (21:45+ racers)

12:00 PM

12:45 awards tent

4th-8th B/G Mile*

12:40 PM

1:10 awards tent