GMC Championships 2024

West Allis, WI
Timing/Results PrimeTime Timing

GMC Championships 2024 vs GMC Conference Championships 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -12 477 489
Overall Average +32.40 22:23.80 21:51.39
1st-10th Place -6.95 16:20.75 16:27.70
1st-25th Place -13.40 16:41.31 16:54.71
1st-50th Place -9.90 17:09.27 17:19.16
1st-100th Place -2.49 17:57.82 18:00.31
Common Athletes -- -- 66
Ran Faster 34 50 16
Ran Season Best -18 5 23
Average Time -56.57 20:52.99 21:49.56
Median Time -1:10.20 20:32.80 21:43.00
Middle 80% Times -1:14.53 20:30.80 21:45.33
Top 10% Times -1:13.24 16:32.84 17:46.09
Top 25% Times -1:50.41 17:01.24 18:51.65
Top 50% Times -1:48.74 18:01.42 19:50.15
Bottom 50% Times -4.41 23:44.56 23:48.96
Bottom 25% Times +37.02 25:48.29 25:11.28
Bottom 10% Times +1:54.00 28:42.98 26:48.98
Average Difference -56.57 -- --
Median Difference -57.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:19.89 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:06.66 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:29.01 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:31.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:29.01 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -24.14 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +46.97 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:26.86 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Gage Kuhlenbeck Sussex Hamilton -58.10 16:21.50 17:19.60
Evan Wheeler Brookfield East -49.90 16:25.90 17:15.80
Noah Bilstad Sussex Hamilton -1:28.50 16:26.10 17:54.60
Owen Pope Brookfield East -3:36.40 16:35.10 20:11.50
Kai Bruner West Allis Hale -2:53.90 16:36.40 19:30.30
Saathvik Gowda Brookfield Central -5:22.80 16:39.40 22:02.20
Jack Kwiatt Marquette -1:15.30 16:45.50 18:00.80
Jack Wanezek Germantown -1:27.30 16:47.30 18:14.60
Elijah Sayeg West Allis Hale -3:16.50 16:48.30 20:04.80
Christian McIlheran Brookfield East -1:30.80 16:55.40 18:26.20
Nathan Zembles Sussex Hamilton -16.70 17:13.10 17:29.80
John Gruichich West Allis Hale -2:15.10 17:24.00 19:39.10
Harrison Filber Brookfield East -3:33.10 17:25.50 20:58.60
Emerson Feltz Germantown -3:02.10 17:33.10 20:35.20
Lucas Vera Paez Sussex Hamilton -2:38.70 17:41.80 20:20.50
Drew Bergan Marquette -2:20.20 17:49.70 20:09.90
James Goetter Germantown -1:57.00 17:53.00 19:50.00
Cooper Walsh Germantown +28.10 18:35.50 18:07.40
Ellis Young Wauwatosa East -2:45.30 18:10.10 20:55.40
Dermot More O'Ferrall Marquette -33.90 18:19.80 18:53.70
Quinn Fitzsimmons Wauwatosa East -2:37.60 18:22.00 20:59.60
Dillon Baker Brookfield Central -3:42.70 18:24.90 22:07.60
Emory Winter Brookfield Central -1:18.60 18:58.40 20:17.00
Bobby Koehne Marquette -1:13.50 18:59.80 20:13.30
Kevin Donoghue Brookfield Central -38.60 19:00.30 19:38.90
Julian Biemann Wauwatosa East -2:34.60 19:01.30 21:35.90
Jonathan Stanowsky Menomonee Falls -1:04.60 19:03.70 20:08.30
Brayden Ebli Germantown -1:29.80 19:24.20 20:54.00
Andrew Reineck Germantown -2:58.50 19:29.40 22:27.90
Tyler Oertel Germantown -2:07.00 19:36.00 21:43.00
Timmy Brienza Marquette -2:27.50 19:46.00 22:13.50
Sean Hutchinson Marquette +1:08.80 21:03.10 19:54.30
Leah Gonwa Sussex Hamilton -2:21.40 19:56.60 22:18.00
Nolan Smith Menomonee Falls -2:06.70 20:17.70 22:24.40
Arnav Nandakumar Brookfield Central -1:21.50 20:32.80 21:54.30
Louis Schauer Wauwatosa West +8.60 20:45.90 20:37.30
Madeline Mrozinski Sussex Hamilton +3:07.30 23:46.60 20:39.30
Caroline Swanson Brookfield Central -41.40 20:48.80 21:30.20
Sarah Norton West Allis Hale -57.30 20:52.70 21:50.00
Abbey Tank Wauwatosa West -11.70 20:57.60 21:09.30
William Sobczak Brookfield East -14.30 21:08.80 21:23.10
Emily Summers Brookfield Central -1:28.70 21:09.80 22:38.50
Simone Steeno DSHA -1:59.90 21:36.10 23:36.00
Mairin Daily DSHA +7.80 21:44.60 21:36.80
Madeline Marks Brookfield East +48.10 22:41.70 21:53.60
Ryan Pizur Wauwatosa West -37.00 21:57.30 22:34.30
Ava Baugnet Brookfield East -2:07.30 21:58.20 24:05.50
Yuva Sharma Brookfield Central +33.90 22:49.50 22:15.60
Molly Hambrook DSHA -1:21.20 22:18.10 23:39.30
Ella Armstrong Germantown -1:00.60 22:31.00 23:31.60
Anika Lenci DSHA +3:25.00 26:05.00 22:40.00
Nora Weis Wauwatosa East -1:29.00 22:42.90 24:11.90
Eliana Melendes DSHA -2:56.00 22:44.40 25:40.40
Brekka Mortensen Brookfield Central -1:06.50 23:01.60 24:08.10
Josie Marsho DSHA -47.20 23:02.70 23:49.90
Leah Jaworski Menomonee Falls +37.70 23:47.30 23:09.60
Junho Chung Brookfield Central -11.20 23:23.00 23:34.20
Lilly Murat Wauwatosa West +8:19.50 32:34.20 24:14.70
Grace Nova Brookfield Central -10.40 24:26.50 24:36.90
Cecilia Barthel DSHA +1:31.70 26:05.30 24:33.60
Ella Weyker Menomonee Falls +24.80 25:00.40 24:35.60
Maria Rothe Brookfield East +1:01.00 25:45.80 24:44.80
Lilly Wilinski Brookfield Central +37.10 25:38.10 25:01.00
Zara Burnett Brookfield Central +1:17.10 28:40.00 27:22.90
Alexandra Willis Brookfield Central -1:20.80 29:19.50 30:40.30
Charlotte Francis Wauwatosa West +2:54.50 32:31.10 29:36.60