Foot Locker Midwest Regional 2024

Kenosha, WI

Meet Information



Boys - Dathan Ritzenhein (2000) 14:35

Girls - Anna Rohrer (2012) 16:54


Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and U.S. citizens in Overseas Military Installations.

PARKING: On race day the parking lot on HWY JR adjacent to the starting line is reserved for officials, press and vehicles with handicapped parking passes. UNAUTHORIZED PARKING ON THE ROADWAY ALONG HWY JR OR ON THE COURSE IS PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES-VIOLATORS WILL BE TICKETED AND TOWED. The Communication Arts parking lot, directly east of the course, will be the lot designated for FLCC parking. Please Enter the Sports and Activities Center (SAC) through the north entrance. Parking lots in Petrifying Springs Park are off limits to our group (Violators will be ticketed!).

FINISH: The actual finish line is a solid white line directly under the FLCC banner. Orange cones are positioned on both sides of the finish line. Please cooperate with meet personnel and do not stop at the finish line-run through the chute!

TOP TEN: The top ten finishers in the boys and girls seeded races (ten national finalists) will be escorted to a meeting in the course administration building immediately after their race for instructions regarding nationals. One parent or coach will also be asked to attend. You will also be expected to appear at any press conferences and photo sessions requested after your race.