Foot Locker Midwest Regional 2006 vs Foot Locker Midwest Regional 2005

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +34 114 80
Overall Average -0.87 17:48.20 17:49.08
1st-10th Place +4.50 15:12.80 15:08.30
1st-25th Place -2.24 15:29.72 15:31.96
1st-50th Place -22.04 15:56.58 16:18.62
1st-100th Place +2:58.00 17:13.26 14:15.26
Common Athletes -- -- 22
Ran Faster -2 10 12
Ran Season Best -1 13 14
Average Time -0.95 17:13.00 17:13.95
Median Time +1:19.00 17:43.00 16:24.00
Middle 80% Times -0.89 17:16.22 17:17.11
Top 10% Times -8.00 15:13.33 15:21.33
Top 25% Times -11.17 15:20.17 15:31.33
Top 50% Times -10.27 15:37.64 15:47.91
Bottom 50% Times +8.36 18:48.36 18:40.00
Bottom 25% Times -6.50 19:31.50 19:38.00
Bottom 10% Times +4.67 20:34.00 20:29.33
Average Difference -0.95 -- --
Median Difference +14.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3.61 -- --
Top 10% Difference +8.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -12.82 -- --
Top 25% Difference -10.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -12.82 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +10.91 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -11.17 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +9.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Elliott Heath Winona High School -56.00 15:10.00 16:06.00
Evan Appel Dakota Ridge High School -58.00 15:12.00 16:10.00
Evan Jager Algonquin (Jacobs) +16.00 15:32.00 15:16.00
De'sean Turner Warren Central High School + 15:18.00 15:18.00
Richard Medina Grand Junction High School -22.00 15:18.00 15:40.00
Kevin Havel Arlington Heights (Hersey) +9.00 15:39.00 15:30.00
Josh Mathis Potosi High School -9.00 15:31.00 15:40.00
Dan Quigley Christian Brothers College High School -49.00 15:34.00 16:23.00
Dean Black Palmer High School +25.00 16:09.00 15:44.00
Josh Thebeau Potosi High School +2:31.00 18:27.00 15:56.00
Kyle Rood Ft. Zumwalt South High School -26.00 15:58.00 16:24.00
Lane Boyer Fredonia High School +29.00 16:33.00 16:04.00
Betsy Bies Yankton High School +32.00 18:01.00 17:29.00
Allison Eckert Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School +14.00 17:56.00 17:42.00
Emily Infeld Beaumont -27.00 17:43.00 18:10.00
Alexandra Banfich Culver Academies +17.00 18:04.00 17:47.00
Katelyn Bastert Carthage (Illini West) -1:18.00 17:59.00 19:17.00
Brittani Johnson West Plains High School +9.00 18:31.00 18:22.00
Elizabeth Hynes St. Charles (East) -25.00 18:29.00 18:54.00
Jessie Gulsvig Coronado High School +37.00 19:41.00 19:04.00
Kara Windisch Shawnee Mission South High School -29.00 19:47.00 20:16.00
Jennifer Butler Bennington High School +19.00 22:14.00 21:55.00