SWC Mid-Season Invitational 2022

Dodgeville, WI

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 100 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kaltenberg, Will River Valley
Bindl, Jacob River Valley
Baumberger, Zach River Valley
Laufenberg, Brennan River Valley
Bindl, Brett River Valley
Norton, Ryan 11.29 River Valley
Vickerman, Zach 11.36 River Valley
Gloudeman, Zach 11.41 River Valley
McDonald, Owen 11.49 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Bedward, Max 11.57 Lancaster
Lovelady, Demoria 11.69 Lancaster
Hillers, Bryce 11.78 Richland Center
Clary, Landon 11.87 River Valley
Bakken, Hayden 12.00 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Schultz, Cailub 12.05 River Valley
Taylor, Andrew 12.23 Lancaster
Thompson, Ashton 12.44 Platteville
Murphy, Michael 12.46 Lancaster
Houtakker, Miles 12.55 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Tashner, Garrison 12.58 Platteville
Hollander, Sam 12.62 Lancaster
Vogt, Austin 12.68 Prairie du Chien
Bachman, Keaton 12.74 Prairie du Chien
Neal, Isaiah 12.80 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Gildersleeve, Brennen 12.85 Lancaster
Boigenzahn, Ethen 12.89 Platteville
Wolf, Jason 12.98 Lancaster
Straka, Hunter 12.99 Prairie du Chien
Houtakker, Gavin 12.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Gorman, Shawn 13.00h Richland Center
Wedig, Jared 13.14 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kite, Quinten 13.15 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Zuehlke, Tate 13.27 Platteville
Malette, Michael 13.30 Prairie du Chien
Dull, Keagan 13.42 Prairie du Chien
Xiya, Joey 13.50 Prairie du Chien
Naatz, David 13.74 Platteville
MacEarchern, Jack 13.80h Prairie du Chien
Solberg-Keiler, Clayton 14.00 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Jelinek, Mason 14.00h Richland Center
Konop, Max 14.06 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Fontora, Ramiro 14.07 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Riley, Taitin 14.09 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Grolbert, Bryce 14.12 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Phillips, Zac 14.20h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Birch, Daytona 14.34 Richland Center
Goninen, Matthew 14.98 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Halverson, Karter 15.18 Platteville
Simpson, Derek 15.59 Lancaster
Ingebritson, Ayden 15.80 Lancaster
Chapiewsky, Cooper 15.83 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Heins, Carson 15.89 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clarson, Bryson 16.28 Richland Center
Bosworth, Sam 16.48 Richland Center
Sponsler, Marcus 16.66 Platteville
Hottenstein, Drew 17.16 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Thiry, Blake 17.85 Prairie du Chien
Wallace, Ashton 18.00h Richland Center
Avery, Jeremiah 19.37 Prairie du Chien
Reade, Corbin 19.80 Prairie du Chien
Blackburn, Noah 19.81 Prairie du Chien
Perkins, Jackson 19.98 Prairie du Chien
Langmeier, Eli 20.06 Platteville
Boebel, Simon 20.43 Platteville
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High School Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harper, Fletcher Richland Center
Williams, Chandler 5:15.43 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Grabandt, Erik 5:21.71 Platteville
Yoder, Jesse 5:23.62 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Tanner, Domonic 5:37.67 Prairie du Chien
Steiger, Lee 5:38.00 Prairie du Chien
Richter, Brian 5:38.25 Platteville
Wells, Daniel 5:39.99 Platteville
Garcia, Damon 5:41.00 Richland Center
Waller, Ryan 5:45.00h Prairie du Chien
Ames, Malachi 5:45.96 Prairie du Chien
Schulenburg, Noah 6:00.00h Platteville
DeNucci, Antonio 6:08.21 Platteville
Harding, Logan 6:13.38 Lancaster
Wiertzema, Jackson 6:27.42 Richland Center
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High School Boys 200 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vickerman, Zach River Valley
Kaltenberg, Will River Valley
Clary, Landon River Valley
Flore, Luca 22.25 Richland Center
Gloudeman, Zach 23.16 River Valley
Halverson, Terrell 23.86 Platteville
McDonald, Owen 23.91 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Lee, Dyshaun 24.00h Richland Center
Day, Logan 24.00h Platteville
Lovelady, Demoria 24.12 Lancaster
Thompson, Ashton 24.20h Platteville
Owens , Parker 24.33 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Fogo, Nathen 24.34 Richland Center
Baumberger, Zach 24.42 River Valley
Schultz, Cailub 24.66 River Valley
Houtakker, Miles 24.76 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Burkard, Nick 24.80h Platteville
Taylor, Andrew 25.12 Lancaster
Hale, Peyton 25.12 Lancaster
Murphy, Michael 25.60 Lancaster
Harper, Fletcher 25.60h Richland Center
Roll, Max 25.80h Richland Center
Zuehlke, Tate 25.98 Platteville
Gregg, Brody 26.15 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Ploessl, Quinton 26.23 Lancaster
Hollander, Sam 26.30 Lancaster
Wedig, Jared 26.38 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Boebel, Simon 26.40h Platteville
Fox, Nolen 26.6 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Demuth, Cameron 26.60 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Tashner, Garrison 26.62 Platteville
Wall, Elijah 26.65 Lancaster
Neal, Isaiah 26.75 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Hutchcroft, Remi 27.17 Lancaster
Fretz, Malachi 27.20h Richland Center
Wolf, Jason 27.21 Lancaster
Schwartz, Zeke 27.50 Platteville
Kite, Quinten 27.51 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Johnson, Adrian 27.67 River Valley
LaMere, Alex 27.90 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Solberg-Keiler, Clayton 27.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Gorman, Logan 28.00h Richland Center
Maes, Caleb 28.46 River Valley
Jelinek, Mason 28.50h Richland Center
Fontora, Ramiro 29.12 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Grolbert, Bryce 29.13 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Tosi, Jeremiah 29.40h Platteville
Qualley, John 29.58 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
McDonald, Alec 29.66 Richland Center
Phillips, Zac 29.9 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Simpson, Derek 30.26 Lancaster
Riley, Taitin 31.4 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Halverson, Karter 32.00h Platteville
Chapiewsky, Cooper 32.54 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Heins, Carson 32.6 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Konop, Max 33.64 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clarson, Bryson 43.07 Richland Center
Thiry, Blake 43.49 Prairie du Chien
Hottenstein, Drew 43.96 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sponsler, Marcus 45.83 Platteville
Bosworth, Sam 45.98 Richland Center
Wall, Kurt 46 Prairie du Chien
Wallace, Ashton 46.57 Richland Center
Avery, Jeremiah 47.56 Prairie du Chien
Reade, Corbin 49.77 Prairie du Chien
Perkins, Jackson 50.00 Prairie du Chien
Langmeier, Eli 51.42 Platteville
Blackburn, Noah 51.50 Prairie du Chien
Boebel, Simon 51.88 Platteville
Houtakker, Gavin 53.24 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
O'bday, Joesph 55.83 Richland Center
Goninen, Matthew 56.83 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Joey 10:57.11 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Jakubowski, James 12:12.00 Richland Center
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High School Boys 400 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Malette, Michael Prairie du Chien
Clary, Landon River Valley
Ross, Julius River Valley
Johnson, Adrian River Valley
Baumberger, Zach River Valley
Schultz, Cailub River Valley
Vickerman, Zach River Valley
Fretz, Malachi 1:00.00 Richland Center
Straka, Hunter 1:00.49 Prairie du Chien
Anderson, Dorian 1:00.65 Richland Center
Schindler, Will 1:00.66 Lancaster
Banker, Grayson 1:00.72 Richland Center
Maes, Caleb 1:00.72 River Valley
Honer, Andrew 1:01.00h Richland Center
Demuth, Cameron 1:01.50h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Helwig, Chayse 1:02.22 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Shumpert, Donovan 1:02.23 Richland Center
Husted, Sam 1:02.75 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Hutchcroft, Remi 1:03.23 Lancaster
Scott, Ashton 1:04.45 River Valley
LaMere, Alex 1:04.90 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wall, Elijah 1:05.30 Lancaster
Johnson, Jayden 1:06.26 Lancaster
Ramos, Fernando 1:13.17 Platteville
Rohou, Nicolas 1:16.66 Platteville
Washburn, Charles 1:23.19 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Keith, Charlie 53.33 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Gloudeman, Zach 55.37 River Valley
Burkard, Nick 55.45 Platteville
Hale, Peyton 56.65 Lancaster
Owens , Parker 57.90h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Plumb , Zade 59.19 Platteville
Ploessl, Quinton 59.23 Lancaster
Roll, Max 59.61 Richland Center
Smelzer, Jackson 59.68 Prairie du Chien
Houtakker, Miles 59.80h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sperle, Brady 59.94h Lancaster
Gregg, Brody 59.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:00.00h Prairie du Chien
Relay Team A 45.27 Lancaster
Relay Team A 46.12 Richland Center
Relay Team A 46.91 Platteville
Relay Team A 49.35 Prairie du Chien
Relay Team C 49.35 Prairie du Chien
Relay Team B 52.27 Lancaster
Relay Team B 53.00h Platteville
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High School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:35.72 Richland Center
Relay Team A 1:36.32 Lancaster
Relay Team A 1:39.12 Platteville
Relay Team A 1:41.21 Prairie du Chien
Relay Team B 1:42.17 Richland Center
Relay Team B 1:44.00h Platteville
Relay Team B 1:52.00h Prairie du Chien
Relay Team C 1:55.00h Prairie du Chien
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High School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:36.74 Platteville
Relay Team A 3:41.03 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Relay Team C 3:45.00 Richland Center
Relay Team A 3:52.92 Richland Center
Relay Team B 3:53.00 Richland Center
Relay Team B 3:54.00h Platteville
Relay Team C 4:01.00h Platteville
Relay Team B 4:08.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Relay Team D 4:11.00h Platteville
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High School Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C 10:00.00 Platteville
Relay Team A 8:51.37 Platteville
Relay Team A 9:21.23 Prairie du Chien
Relay Team B 9:21.23 Prairie du Chien
Relay Team A 9:24.48 Richland Center
Relay Team B 9:25.00h Platteville
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High School Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wiertzema, Jackson Richland Center
Aurit, Will 2:02.31 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Hutchcroft, RJ 2:08.17 Lancaster
Udelhofen, Casen 2:09.09 Platteville
Aurit, Layne 2:11.65 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wright, Quinn 2:12.25 Platteville
Donner, Andrew 2:12.45 Platteville
Yoder, Cody 2:12.91 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Dampf, Cal 2:14.45 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Foley, Spencer 2:15.00 Prairie du Chien
Fansler, Dominic 2:16.49 Platteville
Taber, Lucas 2:19.00h Platteville
Dehart, Spencer 2:20.00h Prairie du Chien
Hook, Ethan 2:20.86 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Ross, Julius 2:21.25 River Valley
Deis, Noah 2:21.37 Platteville
Priebe, Bryce 2:25.23 Prairie du Chien
Anthony, Max 2:25.49 Prairie du Chien
Garcia, Damon 2:25.72 Richland Center
Stange, Ben 2:27.48 Platteville
O'Brien, Thomas 2:30.00 Prairie du Chien
Stowell, Benjamin 2:30.24 Richland Center
Schindler, Will 2:31.44 Lancaster
Johnson, Jayden 2:33.24 Lancaster
Scott, Ashton 2:33.27 River Valley
Herrera-Flores, Luis 2:34.86 Richland Center
Ames, Malachi 2:38.88 Prairie du Chien
Breininger, Emmanuel 2:44.19 Richland Center
DeNucci, Antonio 2:47.93 Platteville
Harding, Logan 2:48.23 Lancaster
Roth, Sawyer 2:53.64 Platteville
Ramos, Fernando 3:08.09 Platteville
Rohou, Nicolas 3:10.41 Platteville
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High School Boys Discus 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Norton, Ryan 159-3 River Valley
Digman, Devin 150-10 Platteville
Wall, Ryan 128-5 Prairie du Chien
Wye, William 127-6 Richland Center
Day, Connor 123-0 Platteville
Troester, Mason 119-10 Platteville
Raisbeck, Connor 113-7 Lancaster
Bindl, Brett 111-4 River Valley
White, Brady 110-1 Platteville
Clarson, Bryson 103-7 Richland Center
Gorman, Shawn 102-2 Richland Center
MacEarchern, Jack 101-5 Prairie du Chien
Schneider, Max 99-5 Prairie du Chien
DiVall, Jacob 98-11 Lancaster
Cline, Fletcher 95-10 Platteville
Baxter, John 93-4 Platteville
Gorman, Logan 93-3 Richland Center
Millard, Brendan 93-2 Platteville
Knapp, Ben 91-7 Prairie du Chien
Schindler, Will 86-6 Lancaster
Chitwood, Chase 86-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Boyd, Alex 85-8 Lancaster
Rice, Jayden 81-5 Lancaster
Easterling, Gary 81-4 Prairie du Chien
Jones, Ethan 79-2 Richland Center
Alverado, Peyton 78-9 Lancaster
Johnston, Carter 76-3 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kreul, Marcus 73-2 Platteville
Roepsch, Ethan 73-0 Platteville
Bindl, Jacob 72-0 River Valley
Qualley, John 71-9 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Timmerman, Caden 71-9 Lancaster
Brown, Tyler 70-1 Richland Center
Lucey, Tyler 62-1 Lancaster
Schaaf, Cooper 58-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kruel, Everett 54-5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kleppe, Brayden Richland Center
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High School Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dhyanchand, Isaac 6-0 Lancaster
Bosworth, Sam 5-10 Richland Center
Harris, Tyler 5-8 Prairie du Chien
McCullick, Nickolas 5-6 Prairie du Chien
Flore, Luca 5-6 Richland Center
LaMere, Alex 5-4 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Murphy, Michael 5-4 Lancaster
Boebel, Simon 5-2 Platteville
Konichek, Austin 5-0 Prairie du Chien
Priebe, Bryce 5-0 Prairie du Chien
Fox, Nolen 5-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Digman, Caleb 5-0 Platteville
Langmeier, Eli 5-0 Platteville
Demuth, Cameron 4-10 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Chapiewsky, Cooper 4-6 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Hollander, Sam 4-6 Lancaster
Lee, Alex Prairie du Chien
Banker, Grayson Richland Center
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High School Boys Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fingerson, Leif 20-11.5 Richland Center
Halverson, Terrell 20-1.5 Platteville
Dhyanchand, Isaac 19-9 Lancaster
Lee, Alex 19-3.5 Prairie du Chien
Schultz, Cailub 19-3.5 River Valley
Hottenstein, Drew 18-11 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Thiry, Blake 18-9.5 Prairie du Chien
Day, Logan 18-6.5 Platteville
Straka, Hunter 18-0.5 Prairie du Chien
Ploessl, Quinton 17-10 Lancaster
Lee, Dyshaun 17-8 Richland Center
Kite, Quinten 17-7.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Tashner, Garrison 17-5 Platteville
McDonald, Alec 17-2.5 Richland Center
Gildersleeve, Brennen 17-2 Lancaster
O'Brien, Thomas 16-9.5 Prairie du Chien
Timmerman, Caden 16-6 Lancaster
Wallace, Ashton 16-5.25 Richland Center
Schneider, Max 16-4.5 Prairie du Chien
Deis, Noah 16-3.25 Platteville
Nesvold, Trystan 16-2.75 Prairie du Chien
McCullick, Nickolas 16-0 Prairie du Chien
Blackburn, Noah 15-9 Prairie du Chien
Digman, Caleb 15-0 Platteville
Banker, Grayson 14-7.5 Richland Center
Konichek, Austin 14-0 Prairie du Chien
Perkins, Jackson 13-3.5 Prairie du Chien
Ingebritson, Ayden 11-5 Lancaster
Harris, Tyler Prairie du Chien
Solberg-Keiler, Clayton Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Gregg, Brody Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys Pole Vault 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chambers, Ryan 12-0 Richland Center
Wall, Ryan 11-3 Prairie du Chien
Wall, Kurt 11-0 Prairie du Chien
Bakken, Hayden 10-6 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Bedward, Max 10-6 Lancaster
Taylor, Andrew 10-6 Lancaster
Neal, Isaiah 10-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
VanNatta, Jackson 10-0 Lancaster
Loeffelholz, Mike 10-0 Platteville
Fretz, Malachi 9-0 Richland Center
Budworth, Landon 9-0 Lancaster
Tashner, Garrison 9-0 Platteville
Brewer, Brogan 8-0 Prairie du Chien
Schuldes, Aksel 8-0 Platteville
Schwartz, Zeke 8-0 Platteville
Wolf, Jason 7-6 Lancaster
Tosi, Jeremiah 6-0 Platteville
Halverson, Karter 6-0 Platteville
Qualley, John Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kite, Quinten Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Banker, Grayson Richland Center
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High School Boys Shot Put 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clarson, Bryson 43-0 Richland Center
Wye, William 41-6.5 Richland Center
Brown, Tyler 37-2 Richland Center
Jones, Ethan 37-1.5 Richland Center
Bakken, Hayden 34-3.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Riley, Taitin 30-5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wedig, Jared 28-8.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Chitwood, Chase 27-4.75 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kruel, Everett 25-2 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Johnston, Carter 24-1.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Schaaf, Cooper 23-7.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Greene , Noah 20-6.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kleppe, Brayden Richland Center
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High School Boys Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fingerson, Leif 43-4.75 Richland Center
Thiry, Blake 42-10 Prairie du Chien
Lee, Dyshaun 40-2.75 Richland Center
Gildersleeve, Brennen 36-7 Lancaster
McDonald, Alec 36-0 Richland Center
Stowell, Benjamin 35-7 Richland Center
Houtakker, Miles 34-8 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Langmeier, Eli 34-1 Platteville
Digman, Caleb 32-11.5 Platteville
Maes, Caleb 32-9.5 River Valley
Konop, Max 32-3 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Houtakker, Gavin 31-11.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Goninen, Matthew 31-4 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Johnson, Adrian 31-1.5 River Valley
Konichek, Austin 30-5 Prairie du Chien
Fox, Nolen 29-8.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Ingebritson, Ayden 26-1.5 Lancaster
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High School Girls 100 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huntamer, Aliyah Richland Center
Hockerman, Kailey Richland Center
Sebranek, Kortney River Valley
Watters, Blair 12.97 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Fisher, Madi 13.11 Prairie du Chien
Champion, Mack 13.44 Platteville
Watters, Belle 13.55 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Maier, Jayla 13.57 River Valley
Hollander, Sadie 13.64 Lancaster
Nelson, Elsa 13.67 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Baumgartner, Ashlie 13.67 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Fields, Emily 13.90h Platteville
Poller, Liz 13.95 Platteville
Aschliman, Malea 13.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Steffes, Emma 13.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Jaynes, Kori 14.00 Prairie du Chien
Krahn, Greenlee 14.00 Prairie du Chien
Kaszubski, Rachel 14.02 Richland Center
Oyen, Paige 14.34 Lancaster
Nielsen, Maddie 14.37 Lancaster
Borucki, Lily 14.45 River Valley
Melssen, Alyson 14.51 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Brunton, Emma 14.55 Platteville
James, Andrea 14.61 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Clary, Sara 14.67 River Valley
Clauer, Angela 14.71 Lancaster
Gander, Cori 14.88 Richland Center
Wilson, Olivia 14.91 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Knoble, Emma 14.92 River Valley
Kettler, Kelly 14.95 Platteville
Reukauf, Madi 14.98 Lancaster
Korntved, Lizzy 15.00h Platteville
Malcotti, Martina 15.10 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Meredith, Angell 15.21 Prairie du Chien
Otts, Madison 15.21 Prairie du Chien
Traver, Laura 15.49 Lancaster
Monigold, Chloe 15.64 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Morgan, Jessica 15.68 Lancaster
Popp, Addie 15.93 Platteville
Dye, Linnea 15.96 Platteville
Stowell, Savannah 16.00h Richland Center
Nemitz, Cassie 16.02 Lancaster
Gerault, Mary Lou 16.16 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Brokopp, Quincy 16.56 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Reis, Cheyenne 16.57 River Valley
Montigold, Kyleigh 16.70h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Lathrop, Braylin 17.02 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Chmielewski, Rowan 17.51 Platteville
Seffrood, Anya 19.28 River Valley
Lerner, Micah 20.57 Platteville
Craddock, Karissa 21.43 Richland Center
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High School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goomey, Ketura 17.17 Platteville
Steffes, Emma 17.34 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Goomey, Abigail 17.49 Platteville
Aschliman, Malea 17.92 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sonsalla, Ava 18.57 Platteville
Kramer, Josie 20.17 Prairie du Chien
Freed, Madison 22.66 Platteville
Kamberi, Lejla 23.13 Prairie du Chien
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High School Girls 1600 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hager, Ava Prairie du Chien
Robinson, Annie 5:23.32 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Thompson, Julia 5:37.50 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Ducharme, Bobbi 6:02.04 River Valley
Radloff, Tannah 6:03.66 Prairie du Chien
Kearns, Haylee 6:10.78 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Christopher, Addison 6:14.80 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sitts, Kylee 6:31.68 Lancaster
Davenport, Sierra 6:53.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Powell, Rebecca 7:10.00h Richland Center
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High School Girls 200 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lerner, Micah Platteville
Huntamer, Aliyah Richland Center
Hockerman, Kailey Richland Center
Watters, Blair 26.44 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Burks, Lainee 27.07 Lancaster
Bowen, Eden 27.44 Lancaster
Harper, Beverly 27.52 Richland Center
Burr, Abby 27.52 Lancaster
Maier, Jayla 28.09 River Valley
Rooney, Isabelle 28.60h Platteville
Place, Tatiana 28.82 Lancaster
Kaszubski, Rachel 28.87 Richland Center
Schmidt, Clara 28.9 Richland Center
Watters, Belle 28.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Nelson, Elsa 28.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Halverson, Kiera 29.01 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Nielsen, Maddie 29.02 Lancaster
Stombaugh, Grace 29.03 Platteville
Thompson, Avery 30.00 Prairie du Chien
Baumgartner, Ashlie 30.04 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Galle, Macie 30.24 Lancaster
Green, Ava 30.78 Lancaster
McDonald, Ava 30.81 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wilson, Olivia 30.83 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Clauer, Angela 30.86 Lancaster
Seffrood, Anya 30.98 River Valley
Malcotti, Martina 31.08 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Gander, Cori 31.13 Richland Center
Melssen, Alyson 31.18 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Johnson, Jerrie Jo 31.74 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
James, Andrea 31.74 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kettler, Kelly 31.79 Platteville
Meredith, Angell 31.88 Prairie du Chien
Clary, Sara 31.99 River Valley
Haight, Lindsey 32.00h Platteville
Spurley, Mallory 32.17 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Nolan, Lindsey 32.21 Prairie du Chien
Otts, Madison 32.41 Prairie du Chien
Gochenaur, Olivia 32.50 Richland Center
Sebranek, Kortney 32.57 River Valley
Stowell, Savannah 33.00h Richland Center
Korntved, Lizzy 33.00h Platteville
Anderson, Shanice 33.20h Richland Center
Traver, Laura 33.98 Lancaster
Reis, Cheyenne 34.12 River Valley
Gerault, Mary Lou 34.38 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Monigold, Chloe 34.40h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Waterfall, Kate 35.00h Richland Center
Brokopp, Quincy 36.20h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Lathrop, Braylin 36.20h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Montigold, Kyleigh 36.30h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Chmielewski, Rowan 36.56 Platteville
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High School Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kamberi, Lejla 1:05.56 Prairie du Chien
Goomey, Ketura 49.17 Platteville
Sonsalla, Ava 55.07 Platteville
Aschliman, Malea 55.19 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kramer, Josie 56.82 Prairie du Chien
Goomey, Abigail 59.64 Platteville
Freed, Madison 59.90h Platteville
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High School Girls 3200 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harper, Olive 18:46.00 Richland Center
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High School Girls 400 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seffrood, Anya River Valley
Watters, Blair 1:01.14 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Schmidt, Clara 1:02.00h Richland Center
Burks, Lainee 1:03.23 Lancaster
Straka, Shayla 1:05 Prairie du Chien
Rooney, Isabelle 1:05.21 Platteville
Kruse, McKenzie 1:05.26 River Valley
Bowen, Eden 1:05.26 Lancaster
Borucki, Lily 1:06.00 River Valley
Nelson, Elsa 1:06.50h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wersal, Grace 1:06.66 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Halverson, Kiera 1:07.50 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
McDonald, Ava 1:08.04 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Thompson, Avery 1:09.00h Prairie du Chien
Ducharme, Bobbi 1:09.18 River Valley
Schneider, Maddie 1:09.93 Lancaster
Kerkenbush, Paige 1:11.35 Platteville
Spurley, Mallory 1:11.93 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Maier, Jayla 1:12.00 River Valley
DeBuhr, Allison 1:12.72 Platteville
Kramer, Katie 1:13.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Prestegard, Shaena 1:14.37 Platteville
Sebranek, Kortney 1:15.23 River Valley
Knoble, Emma 1:16.00h River Valley
Waterfall, Kate 1:17.67 Richland Center
Bird, Alli 1:17.99 Platteville
Craddock, Karissa 1:28.83 Richland Center
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High School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:03.00h Platteville
Relay Team A 52.20 Lancaster
Relay Team A 53.77 Prairie du Chien
Relay Team A 56.62 Platteville
Relay Team A 56.76 Richland Center
Relay Team B 57.20 Lancaster
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High School Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:53.04 Lancaster
Relay Team A 1:55.40 Prairie du Chien
Relay Team A 2:00.83 Platteville
Relay Team B 2:07.00h Platteville
Relay Team A 2:09.99 Richland Center
Relay Team B 2:09.99 Richland Center
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High School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:28.06 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Relay Team A 4:34.80 Platteville
Relay Team A 4:52.26 Richland Center
Relay Team B 4:59.06 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Relay Team B 5:05.00h Platteville
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High School Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:40.69 Platteville
Relay Team A 11:36.62 Lancaster
Relay Team A 12:25.01 Richland Center
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High School Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Ellie 2:23.43 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Burks, Bridee 2:29.25 Lancaster
Olmstead, Mallory 2:29.92 Lancaster
Thompson, Julia 2:32.24 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Schuette, Regan 2:35.20 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Yurs, Josie 2:37.07 Platteville
Smith, Mikayla 2:42.39 Lancaster
Knapp, Finley 2:45.40 Lancaster
Stastny, Kendra 2:46.21 Platteville
Martin, Annie 2:46.63 Lancaster
Rooney, Emma 2:47.80 Platteville
Kerkenbush, Paige 2:47.84 Platteville
DeBuhr, Allison 2:55.00h Platteville
Muench, Leah 2:59.20h Lancaster
Powell, Rebecca 3:01.00 Richland Center
Mathies, Allison 3:05.47 Prairie du Chien
Paynter, Brooke 3:08.60 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Girls Discus 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leibfried, Ashlyn 100-0 Platteville
Millsap, Olivia 99-3 Platteville
Poad, Livie 92-11 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Theleman, Emelia 92-0 Platteville
Hockerman, Kailey 90-11 Richland Center
Keene, Eva 87-8 Prairie du Chien
Jentz, Natalie 86-10 Platteville
Oyen, Paige 83-9 Lancaster
Philipps, Emily 81-10 Platteville
Obielodan, Ope 78-5 Platteville
Sullivan, Carley 75-11 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Nemitz, Cassie 75-5 Lancaster
Huber, Madelynn 74-3 Richland Center
Moore, Natalie 73-5 Lancaster
Kruel, Mya 72-8 Platteville
Langrehr, Kris 69-1 River Valley
Thousand, Lila 68-9 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Borucki, Lily 68-9 River Valley
Leibfried, Jenna 68-4 Platteville
Pothour-Miller, Sadie 63-8 Platteville
Noble, Ainsley 60-9 Platteville
Lucey, Megan 60-1 Lancaster
Huntamer, Aliyah 59-4.5 Richland Center
Ranum, Emily 57-5 River Valley
Langrehr, Megan 55-8 River Valley
Whitehouse, Jocelyn 55-5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Massey, Ellery 53-3 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sahjani, Heer 44-1 Platteville
Montgomery, Lillian 34-0 Platteville
Wilson, Olivia Dodgeville/Mineral Point
James, Joss Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stombaugh, Grace 5-2 Platteville
Fields, Emily 5-2 Platteville
Rynes, Elise 4-9 Richland Center
Aschliman, Malea 4-8 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Johnson, Jerrie Jo 4-6 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Dye, Linnea 4-6 Platteville
Nelson, Elsa 4-4 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Morgan, Jessica 4-0 Lancaster
Kettler, Kelly 4-0 Platteville
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High School Girls Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burks, Lainee 16-8 Lancaster
Borucki, Lily 15-8.5 River Valley
Kaszubski, Rachel 15-6 Richland Center
Rynes, Elise 15-4.5 Richland Center
Steffes, Emma 15-4.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wall, Emma 15-4.5 Prairie du Chien
Baumgartner, Ashlie 15-4 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Martin, Annie 15-2.5 Lancaster
Radloff, Tannah 15-1.5 Prairie du Chien
Straka, Shayla 14-11 Prairie du Chien
Place, Tatiana 14-10 Lancaster
Ewing, Soleil 14-8.5 Richland Center
Nolan, Lindsey 14-4.5 Prairie du Chien
Clauer, Angela 14-0 Lancaster
Sasse, Kaelyn 14-0 Platteville
Meredith, Angell 13-9 Prairie du Chien
Tydrich, Lillian 13-6.5 Richland Center
Popp, Addie 13-5.5 Platteville
Gerault, Mary Lou 13-2 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sebranek, Kortney 13-1 River Valley
Johnson, Jerrie Jo 13-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Green, Ava 12-11.75 Lancaster
Brunton, Emma 12-9.5 Platteville
Wilson, Olivia 12-8.75 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
McDonald, Ava 11-2 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Haight, Lindsey 11-1.5 Platteville
Chmielewski, Rowan 11-0.5 Platteville
Melssen, Alyson 11-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Lathrop, Braylin 10-2 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Radloff, Teagan Prairie du Chien
Otts, Madison Prairie du Chien
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High School Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Champion, Mack 9-6 Platteville
Galle, Macie 8-0 Lancaster
Reukauf, Madi 8-0 Lancaster
Stader, Alaina 8-0 Lancaster
Tydrich, Lillian 7-6 Richland Center
Kruse, McKenzie 7-6 River Valley
Freed, Madison 7-0 Platteville
Hady, Emma 6-6 Richland Center
Nolan, Lindsey 6-0 Prairie du Chien
James, Andrea 6-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Harper, Olive 6-0 Richland Center
Korntved, Lizzy 6-0 Platteville
Lerner, Micah 3-6 Platteville
Hager, Ava Prairie du Chien
Thompson, Avery Prairie du Chien
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High School Girls Shot Put 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hockerman, Kailey 31-6.5 Richland Center
Huber, Madelynn 28-7 Richland Center
Huntamer, Aliyah 26-4 Richland Center
Whitehouse, Jocelyn 25-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Poad, Livie 23-10.75 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sullivan, Carley 23-2 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Massey, Ellery 20-10.25 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
James, Joss 20-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wilson, Olivia Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Thousand, Lila Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Champion, Mack 31-9.75 Platteville
Rynes, Elise 31-7.5 Richland Center
Ewing, Soleil 31-7.25 Richland Center
Huber, Madelynn 29-1 Richland Center
Tydrich, Lillian 27-0 Richland Center
Korntved, Lizzy 22-3.5 Platteville
Otts, Madison Prairie du Chien
Nolan, Lindsey Prairie du Chien
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