SWC JV Conference Meet 2022

Richland Center, WI

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 100 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jelinek, Mason Richland Center
Nesvold, Trystan 12.64 Prairie du Chien
Lee, Alex 12.65 Prairie du Chien
Hollander, Sam 12.81 Lancaster
Hutchcroft, Remi 12.88 Lancaster
Zuehlke, Tate 12.90 Platteville
Malette, Michael 13.30 Prairie du Chien
Dull, Keagan 13.41 Prairie du Chien
Gregg, Brody 13.41 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Xiya, Joey 13.50 Prairie du Chien
Naatz, David 13.74 Platteville
Digman, Caleb 13.80h Platteville
Wall, Elijah 13.81 Lancaster
Goninen, Matthew 13.86 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Riley, Taitin 13.94 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Tosi, Jeremiah 14.00h Platteville
Konop, Max 14.03 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Fontora, Ramiro 14.10 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Phillips, Zac 14.11 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Grolbert, Bryce 14.12 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Birch, Daytona 14.34 Richland Center
Halverson, Karter 15.15 Platteville
Simpson, Derek 15.59 Lancaster
Ingebritson, Ayden 15.80 Lancaster
Heins, Carson 16.76 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blackburn, Noah 18.96 Prairie du Chien
Wallace, Ashton 19.04 Richland Center
Avery, Jeremiah 19.37 Prairie du Chien
Boebel, Simon 19.50 Platteville
Reade, Corbin 19.57 Prairie du Chien
Perkins, Jackson 19.98 Prairie du Chien
Langmeier, Eli 20.06 Platteville
Lucey, Tyler 21.21 Lancaster
O'bday, Joesph 31.51 Richland Center
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High School Boys 1600 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richter, Brian 5:24.58 Platteville
Kramer, Lucas 5:28.83 Prairie du Chien
Jakubowski, James 5:31.74 Richland Center
Wells, Daniel 5:39.99 Platteville
Tanner, Domonic 5:50.00h Prairie du Chien
DeNucci, Antonio 5:50.66 Platteville
Wiertzema, Jackson 6:12.02 Richland Center
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High School Boys 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gorman, Logan Richland Center
Lee, Alex 25.58 Prairie du Chien
Zuehlke, Tate 25.98 Platteville
Hollander, Sam 26.13 Lancaster
Gregg, Brody 26.15 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Hutchcroft, Remi 26.56 Lancaster
Nesvold, Trystan 26.58 Prairie du Chien
Schwartz, Zeke 27.50 Platteville
Dull, Keagan 27.64 Prairie du Chien
Xiya, Joey 27.85 Prairie du Chien
Wall, Elijah 28.01 Lancaster
Qualley, John 28.05 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Solberg-Keiler, Clayton 29.20 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Fox, Nolen 29.20h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Phillips, Zac 29.35 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
McDonald, Alec 29.66 Richland Center
Simpson, Derek 29.98 Lancaster
Malette, Michael 30.03 Prairie du Chien
Tosi, Jeremiah 30.11 Platteville
Halverson, Karter 32.06 Platteville
Washburn, Charles 33.66 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Heins, Carson 34.66 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Ashton Richland Center
Avery, Jeremiah 47.56 Prairie du Chien
Reade, Corbin 49.77 Prairie du Chien
Perkins, Jackson 50.00h Prairie du Chien
Boebel, Simon 51.40 Platteville
Langmeier, Eli 51.42 Platteville
Blackburn, Noah 51.50 Prairie du Chien
Goninen, Matthew 52.66 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
O'bday, Joesph 54.82 Richland Center
Lucey, Tyler 59.98 Lancaster
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High School Boys 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ames, Malachi Prairie du Chien
Garcia, Damon 11:50.86 Richland Center
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High School Boys 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Dorian 1:00.65 Richland Center
Nesvold, Trystan 1:00.81 Prairie du Chien
Deis, Noah 1:01.29 Platteville
Husted, Sam 1:02.95 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wolf, Jason 1:03.56 Lancaster
Schulenburg, Noah 1:06.88 Platteville
Ramos, Fernando 1:09.77 Platteville
Dull, Keagan 1:10.00h Prairie du Chien
Malette, Michael 1:10.00h Prairie du Chien
Rohou, Nicolas 1:11.92 Platteville
Li, David 59.07 Platteville
Banker, Grayson 59.80 Richland Center
Helwig, Chayse 59.91 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sperle, Brady 59.94h Lancaster
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High School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.90h Platteville
Relay Team A 49.27 Lancaster
Relay Team A 53.01 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Relay Team A 55.00h Richland Center
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High School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:37.67 Richland Center
Relay Team A 1:43.00h Platteville
Relay Team A 1:54.00h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:52.92 Richland Center
Relay Team A 3:56.00h Platteville
Relay Team B 4:03.00h Platteville
Relay Team A 4:18.67 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Relay Team C 6:52.00h Platteville
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High School Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:20.00h Platteville
Relay Team B 9:30.00h Platteville
Relay Team C 9:40.00h Platteville
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High School Boys 800 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hook, Ethan 2:20.25 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Priebe, Bryce 2:25.23 Prairie du Chien
Yoder, Jesse 2:25.78 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sperle, Brady 2:25.86 Lancaster
Grabandt, Erik 2:26.00h Platteville
Stange, Ben 2:27.48 Platteville
O'Brien, Thomas 2:30.00h Prairie du Chien
Taber, Lucas 2:30.12 Platteville
Stowell, Benjamin 2:32.23 Richland Center
Herrera-Flores, Luis 2:34.86 Richland Center
Jakubowski, James 2:35.94 Richland Center
DeNucci, Antonio 2:36.78 Platteville
Roth, Sawyer 2:38.04 Platteville
Tanner, Domonic 2:40.00 Prairie du Chien
Wolf, Jason 2:40.73 Lancaster
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High School Boys Discus 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Troester, Mason 119-10 Platteville
White, Brady 112-11 Platteville
Millard, Brendan 98-10 Platteville
Cline, Fletcher 95-10 Platteville
Gorman, Logan 93-7 Richland Center
Baxter, John 93-4 Platteville
Knapp, Ben 91-7 Prairie du Chien
Jones, Ethan 86-6 Richland Center
Johnston, Carter 81-7 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Rice, Jayden 81-5 Lancaster
Easterling, Gary 81-4 Prairie du Chien
Kreul, Marcus 80-2 Platteville
Kleppe, Brayden 78-1 Richland Center
Brown, Tyler 73-9 Richland Center
Qualley, John 71-9 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Roepsch, Ethan 70-0 Platteville
Lucey, Tyler 59-6 Lancaster
Kruel, Everett 58-9 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Schaaf, Cooper 58-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boebel, Simon 5-2 Platteville
Digman, Caleb 5-2 Platteville
Konichek, Austin 5-0 Prairie du Chien
Priebe, Bryce 5-0 Prairie du Chien
Fox, Nolen 5-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Langmeier, Eli 5-0 Platteville
Lee, Alex 4-10 Prairie du Chien
Hollander, Sam 4-10 Lancaster
Chapiewsky, Cooper 4-4 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Boys Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
O'Brien, Thomas 16-9.5 Prairie du Chien
Deis, Noah 16-7 Platteville
Nesvold, Trystan 16-2.75 Prairie du Chien
Digman, Caleb 15-11.5 Platteville
Banker, Grayson 14-7.5 Richland Center
Grolbert, Bryce 14-5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Konichek, Austin 14-0 Prairie du Chien
Solberg-Keiler, Clayton 14-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Perkins, Jackson 13-3.5 Prairie du Chien
Ingebritson, Ayden 11-5 Lancaster
Wallace, Ashton Richland Center
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High School Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kramer, Lucas 9-0 Prairie du Chien
Budworth, Landon 9-0 Lancaster
Fretz, Malachi 9-0 Richland Center
Qualley, John 8-6 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Schuldes, Aksel 8-6 Platteville
Brewer, Brogan 8-0 Prairie du Chien
Schwartz, Zeke 8-0 Platteville
Wolf, Jason 7-6 Lancaster
Tosi, Jeremiah 6-0 Platteville
Halverson, Karter 6-0 Platteville
Banker, Grayson Richland Center
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High School Boys Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baxter, John 37-11.75 Platteville
Millard, Brendan 37-8.25 Platteville
White, Brady 37-4.5 Platteville
Brown, Tyler 37-2 Richland Center
Jones, Ethan 37-1.5 Richland Center
Roepsch, Ethan 36-4 Platteville
Kreul, Marcus 35-9.5 Platteville
Cline, Fletcher 33-5 Platteville
Riley, Taitin 33-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Xiya, Joey 32-8.75 Prairie du Chien
Troester, Mason 32-2 Platteville
Rice, Jayden 30-3 Lancaster
Knapp, Ben 30-0 Prairie du Chien
Brewer, Brogan 29-4 Prairie du Chien
Easterling, Gary 24-5 Prairie du Chien
Johnston, Carter 24-1.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Schaaf, Cooper 23-7.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kruel, Everett 23-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Lucey, Tyler 22-6 Lancaster
Greene , Noah 18-6.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Kleppe, Brayden Richland Center
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High School Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDonald, Alec 36-4.5 Richland Center
Stowell, Benjamin 35-11 Richland Center
Konop, Max 33-7 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Konichek, Austin 33-3 Prairie du Chien
Digman, Caleb 32-11.5 Platteville
Goninen, Matthew 31-4 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Langmeier, Eli 31-1 Platteville
Fox, Nolen 29-8.5 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Ingebritson, Ayden 26-1.5 Lancaster
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High School Girls 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ewing, Soleil Richland Center
Schmidt, Clara Richland Center
Melssen, Alyson 14.26 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Brunton, Emma 14.38 Platteville
Potter, Kalie Jo 14.51 Platteville
Morgan, Jessica 14.86 Lancaster
Kettler, Kelly 14.95 Platteville
Meredith, Angell 15.14 Prairie du Chien
Haight, Lindsey 15.15 Platteville
Dye, Linnea 15.19 Platteville
Otts, Madison 15.21 Prairie du Chien
Popp, Addie 15.46 Platteville
Traver, Laura 15.49 Lancaster
Monigold, Chloe 15.64 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Gerault, Mary Lou 15.80 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Spurley, Mallory 15.98 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Brokopp, Quincy 16.44 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Korntved, Lizzy 16.60 Platteville
Montigold, Kyleigh 16.85 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Lathrop, Braylin 17.02 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Chmielewski, Rowan 17.09 Platteville
Lerner, Micah 17.93 Platteville
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High School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sonsalla, Ava 18.57 Platteville
Freed, Madison 22.66 Platteville
Kamberi, Lejla 23.13 Prairie du Chien
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High School Girls 1600 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davenport, Sierra 6:22.29 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Mathies, Allison 6:47.55 Prairie du Chien
Key, Payton 7:05.92 Prairie du Chien
Anderson, Shanice 7:08.87 Richland Center
Harper, Olive 8:22.62 Richland Center
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High School Girls 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Clara Richland Center
Rooney, Isabelle 28.63 Platteville
Goomey, Ketura 28.63 Platteville
Henderson, Jayden 29.90 Prairie du Chien
McDonald, Ava 30.65 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Green, Ava 30.78 Lancaster
James, Andrea 30.90 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Potter, Kalie Jo 31.00h Platteville
Malcotti, Martina 31.08 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Melssen, Alyson 31.18 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Spurley, Mallory 31.80 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Meredith, Angell 31.88 Prairie du Chien
Traver, Laura 31.89 Lancaster
Nolan, Lindsey 32.21 Prairie du Chien
Otts, Madison 32.41 Prairie du Chien
Gerault, Mary Lou 33.66 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Stowell, Savannah 36.32 Richland Center
Korntved, Lizzy 36.32 Platteville
Chmielewski, Rowan 36.56 Platteville
Lerner, Micah 37.83 Platteville
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High School Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kamberi, Lejla 1:05.56 Prairie du Chien
Sonsalla, Ava 55.07 Platteville
Thompson, Avery 58.52 Prairie du Chien
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High School Girls 400 Meter Dash 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henderson, Jayden 1:07.86 Prairie du Chien
Green, Ava 1:08.69 Lancaster
Hady, Emma 1:10.15 Richland Center
DeBuhr, Allison 1:10.69 Platteville
Kerkenbush, Paige 1:11.35 Platteville
Prestegard, Shaena 1:11.42 Platteville
Kramer, Katie 1:13.99 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Waterfall, Kate 1:15.89 Richland Center
Bird, Alli 1:17.47 Platteville
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High School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.90h Platteville
Relay Team A 1:02.08 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Relay Team A 56.76 Richland Center
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High School Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:56.96 Richland Center
Relay Team A 2:05.00h Platteville
Relay Team A 2:05.30h Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:51.00h Platteville
Relay Team A 5:11.06 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
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High School Girls 800 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kerkenbush, Paige 2:47.84 Platteville
Davenport, Sierra 2:59 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Key, Payton 3:03.24 Prairie du Chien
DeBuhr, Allison 3:03.32 Platteville
Mathies, Allison 3:05.47 Prairie du Chien
Hager, Ava 3:05.99 Prairie du Chien
Paynter, Brooke 3:08.60 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Anderson, Shanice 3:16.87 Richland Center
Harper, Olive 3:34.44 Richland Center
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High School Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Millsap, Olivia 99-3 Platteville
Jentz, Natalie 94-3 Platteville
Theleman, Emelia 92-6 Platteville
Hockerman, Kailey 90-11 Richland Center
Huber, Madelynn 88-8 Richland Center
Obielodan, Ope 78-5 Platteville
Kruel, Mya 73-1 Platteville
Pothour-Miller, Sadie 72-0 Platteville
Thousand, Lila 68-9 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Leibfried, Jenna 68-4 Platteville
Noble, Ainsley 60-9 Platteville
Huntamer, Aliyah 59-4.5 Richland Center
Massey, Ellery 58-11 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
James, Joss 49-10 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sahjani, Heer 44-1 Platteville
Montgomery, Lillian 36-6 Platteville
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High School Girls High Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rynes, Elise 4-9 Richland Center
Dye, Linnea 4-6 Platteville
Morgan, Jessica 4-0 Lancaster
Kettler, Kelly 4-0 Platteville
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High School Girls Long Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rynes, Elise 15-4.5 Richland Center
Ewing, Soleil 14-8.5 Richland Center
Nolan, Lindsey 14-4.5 Prairie du Chien
Meredith, Angell 13-9 Prairie du Chien
Tydrich, Lillian 13-6.5 Richland Center
Brunton, Emma 12-9.5 Platteville
Gerault, Mary Lou 12-2 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Haight, Lindsey 12-1.25 Platteville
Chmielewski, Rowan 11-0.5 Platteville
Otts, Madison Prairie du Chien
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High School Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Avery 7-0 Prairie du Chien
Nolan, Lindsey 7-0 Prairie du Chien
Freed, Madison 7-0 Platteville
James, Andrea 6-6 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Harper, Olive 6-0 Richland Center
Korntved, Lizzy 6-0 Platteville
Hager, Ava 5-0 Prairie du Chien
Lerner, Micah 3-6 Platteville
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High School Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hockerman, Kailey 31-6.5 Richland Center
Millsap, Olivia 29-5 Platteville
Huber, Madelynn 28-7 Richland Center
Theleman, Emelia 28-3.5 Platteville
Kruel, Mya 26-8.5 Platteville
Huntamer, Aliyah 26-4 Richland Center
Obielodan, Ope 24-1 Platteville
Pothour-Miller, Sadie 23-10.5 Platteville
Noble, Ainsley 22-8.25 Platteville
Jentz, Natalie 22-6.5 Platteville
Massey, Ellery 20-10.25 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
James, Joss 20-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Thousand, Lila 20-0 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Leibfried, Jenna 18-0 Platteville
Sahjani, Heer 17-9.25 Platteville
Montgomery, Lillian 12-5.5 Platteville
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High School Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rynes, Elise 31-4 Richland Center
Ewing, Soleil 30-7.25 Richland Center
Huber, Madelynn 30-3 Richland Center
Tydrich, Lillian 27-8 Richland Center
Korntved, Lizzy 22-3.5 Platteville
Nolan, Lindsey Prairie du Chien
Otts, Madison Prairie du Chien
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