WAC Bulldog Invite 2024

West Allis, WI

WAC Bulldog Invite 2024 vs Mukwonago Invite 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +271 559 288
Overall Average +42.13 23:19.60 22:37.47
1st-10th Place +2.93 16:40.96 16:38.03
1st-25th Place -3.88 17:10.64 17:14.52
1st-50th Place -23.82 17:40.88 18:04.70
1st-100th Place -46.81 18:20.95 19:07.76
Common Athletes -- -- 19
Ran Faster 5 12 7
Ran Season Best 12 17 5
Average Time -16.72 23:08.06 23:24.78
Median Time -1:14.40 21:47.60 23:02.00
Middle 80% Times -3.58 23:17.11 23:20.69
Top 10% Times -44.55 16:57.35 17:41.90
Top 25% Times -54.44 17:52.28 18:46.72
Top 50% Times -1:08.16 19:17.56 20:25.72
Bottom 50% Times +36.40 24:39.76 24:03.36
Bottom 25% Times +54.26 29:56.96 29:02.70
Bottom 10% Times +6.20 32:42.70 32:36.50
Average Difference -16.72 -- --
Median Difference -2:43.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2.93 -- --
Top 10% Difference -27.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -50.54 -- --
Top 25% Difference -48.62 -- --
Top 50% Difference -50.54 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2.45 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:06.80 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:16.70 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Reece Ellingsen Waukesha North -52.20 16:51.30 17:43.50
Brode Engelien Waukesha North -1:30.50 17:03.40 18:33.90
Isaac Krzyzaniak New Berlin West -3.20 17:37.10 17:40.30
Ethan Zolper New Berlin West -33.40 18:19.50 18:52.90
Cassidy Somogji New Berlin West -3:32.60 19:30.10 23:02.70
Aadi Sharma New Berlin West -1:03.80 20:05.20 21:09.00
Zak Abdulai Waukesha North -2:07.20 20:16.80 22:24.00
Nicholas Macakanja New Berlin West -2:43.30 20:18.70 23:02.00
Cullen Mayer New Berlin West +47.70 21:50.70 21:03.00
Jayden Sheahan Waukesha North -18.10 21:05.90 21:24.00
Nora Campion New Berlin West -1:36.20 21:47.60 23:23.80
Abby Burie Waukesha North -1.40 22:23.20 22:24.60
Hailey Awadallah Waukesha North +2:19.80 25:40.60 23:20.80
Camila Valdez Waukesha North +1:37.60 27:10.40 25:32.80
Brian De Leon West Allis Central +1:12.10 27:41.10 26:29.00
Camila Garay New Berlin West +22.80 26:58.30 26:35.50
Will Eggert West Allis Central +6:08.70 33:04.70 26:56.00
Aydan Toennessen Waukesha North +10.90 29:27.90 29:17.00
Jackson Niese West Allis Central -3:35.30 32:20.70 35:56.00