Dodge-Point Middle School Invitational 2024

Dodgeville, WI

Athlete Entries

Boys 6th/7th Grade 146 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Linscheid, George Iowa-Grant Middle School
Kruschel, Phineas Tri State Homeschool
Chancellor, Mark Mount Horeb
Sturmer, Braxton Lancaster
Gorman, Kellen Evansville
Kleiber, Henry Darlington
Tippett, Jack Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Ness, Koen New Glarus/Monticello
Wamsley, Lydon Darlington
Fortescue, Kaiyan Mount Horeb
Goss, Logan Fennimore
Folk, Isiah Monroe Middle School
Ngahlem, Josiah Boscobel
Gehin, Kyle Belleville
Klassy, Quintin Mount Horeb
Wilson, Sam Monroe Middle School
Holt, Wyatt Mount Horeb
Slane, Graham Lancaster
Steigenberger, Landon River Valley
Lishamer, Xander Evansville
Cox, Tyler Platteville
Kotolski, Quinn Monroe Middle School
Russell, Traevon Darlington
Lord, Tommy Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Naatz, Zander Evansville
Lobato-Sayago, David Darlington
Jenkins, Owen Dodgeville/Mineral Point
DelBalso, Adler Tri State Homeschool
McGuire, Henry Mount Horeb
Busch, Parker Southwestern/Benton MS
Olson, Henry New Glarus/Monticello
Jimenez, Cristian Darlington
Grossman, Samuel Monroe Middle School
Buol, Evan Belleville
Sadler, Gabriel Mount Horeb
Bethke, Parker Argyle/Pecatonica
Vozka, Merrick Albany
Barholf, Emersyn Monroe Middle School
Bacon, Owen Boscobel
Fulton, Eli Iowa-Grant Middle School
Pronschinske, Jacob Tri State Homeschool
Cuthbertson-Hudson, Gavin Mount Horeb
Wunderlin, Tristan Lancaster
Quigley, Elijah River Valley
Bollig, Oliver Evansville
Radloff, Liam Darlington
Blackford, Brady Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Coon, Emmitt New Glarus/Monticello
Parker, Braxton Darlington
Hart-Bell, Flynn Mount Horeb
Cortes-Cadena, Sebastian Evansville
Volz, Henry Fennimore
Reichmann, Tucker Southwestern/Benton MS
Huffman, Dane Monroe Middle School
Mcroy, Casey Belleville
Wahl, Ben Mount Horeb
Kroll, Josh Monroe Middle School
Louden, Lennox Mount Horeb
Bontreger, Briar Lancaster
Rosebrook, Preston Argyle/Pecatonica
Siegl-Gesin, Cole Platteville
Ritschard, Isaiah Monroe Middle School
Arguellles-Galindo, Roberto Darlington
Allendorf, Nathan Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Roys, Quentin Evansville
Isidro-Galindo, Jared Darlington
McReynolds, Jace Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Orrell, Adam Mount Horeb
Ingebritsen, Elias Lancaster
Rear, Easton Darlington
Flatley, Nicolas Southwestern/Benton MS
Legris, Oliver New Glarus/Monticello
Kartman, Koy Fennimore
Bartles, Landon Monroe Middle School
Bright , Brevin Boscobel
Kruse, Noah Monroe Middle School
Charles, Isaac Platteville
Nolden, Connor Belleville
Vigliotta, Griffin Mount Horeb
Harris, Clayton Argyle/Pecatonica
Hernandez, Christian Albany
Conley, Korbin Tri State Homeschool
Groener, Aaron Mount Horeb
McLimans, Ethan Lancaster
Stoddard, Kellar River Valley
Schlapper, Desmond Evansville
Weiskircher, Macton Darlington
Zinkle, Fox Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Harris, Ryan Evansville
Eyler, Russell New Glarus/Monticello
Fechner, Callaway Darlington
Christopher, Jack Dodgeville/Mineral Point
LaVenture, Michael Mount Horeb
Rutkowski , Mason Fennimore
Kutner, Alex Monroe Middle School
Wimmer, Wesley Mount Horeb
Huntsman, Trenton Monroe Middle School
Morey, Ralph Mount Horeb
Martinez, Valentin Lancaster
Olson, Evan Argyle/Pecatonica
Tyson, Colton Platteville
Wilhelms, Jack Monroe Middle School
Rodriguez, Ivis Darlington
Langreck, Jude Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Vollrath, Beckett Mount Horeb
Kipper, Raylon Lancaster
Spaeth, Nolan Evansville
Roman, Raul Darlington
Patterson, Kegan Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Chitwood, Jack Tri State Homeschool
Gratz, Mack Darlington
Umhoefer, Declan New Glarus/Monticello
Bomkamp, Laken Fennimore
Dahmen, Drake Monroe Middle School
Updike, Brayzen Boscobel
Mosher, Henry Monroe Middle School
Fritz, Connor Platteville
Gehin, Eli Belleville
Errthum, Colton Mount Horeb
Conley, Klay Tri State Homeschool
Harrigan, Jacob Mount Horeb
Hartline, Joseph Lancaster
Marck, Gabe River Valley
Floan, Oscar Evansville
Rico, Willy Darlington
White, Easton Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Long, Jaxson Evansville
Alvarez-Mendoza, Joel Darlington
Hertrampf, Jensen Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Lee, John-Henry Mount Horeb
Smith, Jamison New Glarus/Monticello
Edge, Mason Darlington
Rossing, Ace Monroe Middle School
Elgin, Eli Monroe Middle School
Nankee, Grayson Mount Horeb
Russell, Jackson Argyle/Pecatonica
Holverson, Brigham Monroe Middle School
Layton, Karsyn Boscobel
Williams, Quinn 13:04.00 Southwestern/Benton MS
Hahn, Rylan 13:20.80 Southwestern/Benton MS
Adams, Michael 13:53.60 Southwestern/Benton MS
Krueschel, Gabriel 15:08.10 Tri State Homeschool
Snyder, Erik 18:06.50 Tri State Homeschool
Martin, Jacob 18:16.20 Tri State Homeschool
Langston, Elias 18:42.00 Tri State Homeschool
Martin, Toby 19:01.20 Tri State Homeschool
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Boys 8th Grade 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hrubes, Avery Fennimore
Wisner, Gabriel Mount Horeb
Liddicoat, Forrest Darlington
Strobush, Myles River Valley
Weber, Kaleb New Glarus/Monticello
Volz, Henry Fennimore
Preston, Anders River Valley
Erickson, Joseph Platteville
Layton, Korbyn Boscobel
Greenwood, Arrow Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Amble, Ramsey River Valley
Busch, Austin Lancaster
Coon, Wyatt New Glarus/Monticello
Brown, Elias Fennimore
DeLucia, Anthony Mount Horeb
Mast, William Platteville
Reese, Charlie Darlington
Baumann, Kaleb Argyle/Pecatonica
Polkinghorne, August River Valley
Wolff, Weston Iowa-Grant Middle School
Holverson, Whitaker Monroe Middle School
Garcia, Marcelo Platteville
Fair, Karl River Valley
Martinez, Jonathan Lancaster
Jackson, LaBeause Evansville
Fink, Tyler New Glarus/Monticello
Evans, Caiden Fennimore
Westhafer, Logan Mount Horeb
Polebitski, Ilija Platteville
Arguelles-Hernandez, Eduardo Darlington
Koch, Henry Belleville
Olson, Tristan Argyle/Pecatonica
Thatcher, Liam River Valley
Johll, Hayden Iowa-Grant Middle School
Moore, Brody Lancaster
Horsfall, Riley Fennimore
Rossing, Ace Monroe Middle School
Gribble, Benson River Valley
Dresen, Skyler Fennimore
Thomas, Edward River Valley
Svircev, Luka Platteville
Mancuso, Garrett Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Chavez, Luis Darlington
Slater, Bryar Argyle/Pecatonica
Bartolo-Marin, Alex Iowa-Grant Middle School
Graney, Cooper Lancaster
Droessler, Isaac 12:01.90 Southwestern/Benton MS
Jillson, Clark 12:28.20 Riverdale
Nyhus, Henry 13:13.70 Evansville
Borgen, Daniel 13:19.90 Tri State Homeschool
McWilliams, Brayden 14:37.70 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Brokopp, Eli 14:41.32 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Blume, Sebastion 14:49.10 Evansville
Krueschel, Benjamin 15:00.90 Tri State Homeschool
Runde, David 15:52.40 Tri State Homeschool
Lindsey, Bo 16:13.29 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Wilkie, Mark 16:40.40 Riverdale
Crolla, Liam 17:08.80 Mount Horeb
Krantz, Reece 17:19.70 Lancaster
Bahl, Aaron 17:20.00 Lancaster
Hoesly, Beau 18:13.70 New Glarus/Monticello
Mattingley, Joseph 19:00.30 Tri State Homeschool
Wolff, Brayden 20:16.30 Monroe Middle School
Chancellor, Nolan 20:29.40 Mount Horeb
Sutter, Royce 22:05.70 Mount Horeb
Navarro, Kevin 24:24.60 Monroe Middle School
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Girls 6th/7th Grade 173 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCrea, Elise River Valley
Kammerud, Sophie Darlington
Speer, Alexis Monroe Middle School
Sieckman, Parker Platteville
Tippett, Tatum Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Gratz, Taralyn Monroe Middle School
Mumm, Londyn Lancaster
Hegland, Hayden River Valley
Dowdy, Addison Evansville
Lucas, Emma Monroe Middle School
Long, Alivia Mount Horeb
Klaas, Emerson Lancaster
Wagner, Avery Evansville
Biank, Esther New Glarus/Monticello
Leary, Camryn Darlington
Runde, Ella Dodgeville/Mineral Point
King, Samantha Darlington
Klar, Maci Fennimore
Nemo, Ashlyn Mount Horeb
Knapp, Willoh Lancaster
Breuer, Lily Platteville
Griesel, Min Fennimore
Keubli, Addy Argyle/Pecatonica
Karnopp, Paige Boscobel
Stauffacher, Ayla Darlington
Fahey, Aleah River Valley
Gomez, Fatima Monroe Middle School
Clark, Kendra Platteville
Koss, Evie Iowa-Grant Middle School
Beltran-Mendez, Emily Lancaster
Dosio, Olivia Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Hartwick, Delaney Monroe Middle School
Sarauer, Nikita Tri State Homeschool
Thompson, Olivia Mount Horeb
Dieter, Skylar Lancaster
Wilkinson, Hadlee Riverdale
Sharp, Kaliyah Evansville
Aeschlimann, Leah Mount Horeb
Mumm, McKinnley Lancaster
McElrath, Lydia Darlington
Dunn, Colette Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Easler , Emerson Fennimore
Heilman, Milee Monroe Middle School
Capp, Abigail Darlington
Kamps, Annalise Platteville
Griswold, Lily Fennimore
King, Alani Darlington
Witt, Olivia Monroe Middle School
Artz, Linora Platteville
Tupper, Avery Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Keehn, Julia Monroe Middle School
Gaytan, Kendra Iowa-Grant Middle School
Peacock, Greenlee Lancaster
Bauer, Ava River Valley
Paulson, Noelani Monroe Middle School
Borgen, Melody Tri State Homeschool
Ludwikoski-Cardona, Sophia Mount Horeb
Holmes, Mercedes Lancaster
Kilburg, Cecelia Evansville
Valentino, Lilliana New Glarus/Monticello
Martinez-Guerrero, Sophia Darlington
Zizis, Iliana Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Fox-Vasquez, Mia Darlington
Meyer, Sydney Fennimore
Seibel, Theresa Mount Horeb
Lindholm, Peyton Lancaster
Winslow, Alexa Darlington
Garcia, Samantha Platteville
Rosemeyer, Raiya Fennimore
Briggs, Diem Albany
Johnston , Echo Boscobel
Furukawa, Kira River Valley
Fink, Chesne Darlington
Schmitz, Katelyn Monroe Middle School
Pinion, Harper Platteville
Johnson, Isabelle Iowa-Grant Middle School
Slusser, Olivia Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Lucas, Clara Monroe Middle School
Reding, Alexandra Tri State Homeschool
Thompson, Violet Mount Horeb
Knapp, Maci Lancaster
Cortes, Jennifer Evansville
Schneider, Nora Southwestern/Benton MS
Doud, Aurora Mount Horeb
Nemitz, Reagan Lancaster
Gallagher, Jane Evansville
Babler, Adayla New Glarus/Monticello
Risser, Lainey Darlington
Pagenkopf, Autumn Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Hirsch, Violet Monroe Middle School
Mathys, Mylie Darlington
Jackson, Elyse Fennimore
Hampton, Raelee Argyle/Pecatonica
Meyers, Mercedes Darlington
Hillary, Pearl Monroe Middle School
Ayres, Emma Platteville
Ruegsegger, Makayla Monroe Middle School
Nelson, Hannah Iowa-Grant Middle School
Molzof, Madelyn Lancaster
Beno, Gabby River Valley
Veeder, Clara Monroe Middle School
Moreau, Cameron Mount Horeb
Fecht, Jocelyn Lancaster
Wallisch, Kiley Evansville
Marunde, Elyse New Glarus/Monticello
Luna, Elena Darlington
Averkamp, Skyla Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Westemeier, Hadley Mount Horeb
Lindholm, Zoey Lancaster
Boss, June Darlington
Wood, Emmy Fennimore
Crist, Kinlee Darlington
Haasl, Charlotte Platteville
Brown , Lucy Fennimore
Ginter, Maycee Albany
Morovitz, Kate Boscobel
Haas, Sybil River Valley
Garnica, Marilyn Darlington
Shelton, Aliyah Monroe Middle School
Rauch, Ryleigh Platteville
Husom, Maddy Iowa-Grant Middle School
Lindsey, Olive Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Boatman, Reagan Monroe Middle School
Zacheriason, Elizabeth Tri State Homeschool
Brokish, Cicely Mount Horeb
Muldoon, Lydia Lancaster
Melville, Bristol Evansville
Schreiber, Lily Southwestern/Benton MS
Kroll, Raven Mount Horeb
Bahl, Hanley Lancaster
Johnson, Addie Evansville
Mitchell, Sadie New Glarus/Monticello
Meboe, Bella Darlington
Pagenkopf, Adalynn Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sommers, Lily Monroe Middle School
Edgerton, Lainey Darlington
Kazda , Payton Fennimore
Sigg, Katherine Argyle/Pecatonica
Czyzewski, Marissa Mount Horeb
Kipper, Faith Lancaster
Bartelme, Jessa Platteville
Smith, Hadley Darlington
Clementine, Carrasco Monroe Middle School
Bethel, Cleo River Valley
Johanson, Ellie Monroe Middle School
Artz, Celia Platteville
Bartolo-Garcia, Allison Iowa-Grant Middle School
Beltran-Mendez, Michelle Lancaster
Baker, Olivia Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Salyer, Virginia Monroe Middle School
Smelzer, Cali Mount Horeb
Crubel, Braelyn Lancaster
Matthews, Olivea Riverdale
Egan, Rosalie Evansville
Zelle, Sarah Mount Horeb
Mergen, Brielle Lancaster
Reese, Lindsey Darlington
Zart, Harper Fennimore
Cleary, Elyse Monroe Middle School
Thuli, Harper Darlington
Holland, Addison Platteville
Fry, Emma Fennimore
Doescher, Tenley Albany
Bomkamp, Lexi 12:43.10 Riverdale
Schneider, Millie 12:45.80 Riverdale
Carter, Alexis 14:00.00 Riverdale
Schramm, Rose 14:05.00 Riverdale
Droessler, Cora 15:30.90 Southwestern/Benton MS
Borgen, Gracie 17:28.50 Tri State Homeschool
Lauper, Liezl 17:32.21 Tri State Homeschool
Sarauer, Alexa 21:14.50 Tri State Homeschool
Sarauer, Kitara 21:37.10 Tri State Homeschool
Runde, Anna 22:29.70 Tri State Homeschool
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Girls 8th Grade 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Olson, Annie New Glarus/Monticello
Laeser, Avi Mount Horeb
Plumb, Kalila Platteville
Gilbertson, Makenna Argyle/Pecatonica
Gruetzmacher, Elizabeth Darlington
Orth, Payton Iowa-Grant Middle School
Klar, Brynlee Tri State Homeschool
Washa, Corinne Fennimore
Edgerton, Brenna Darlington
Grossman, Madilyn Platteville
Gruetzmacher, Rose Darlington
Marshaus, Abigail Mount Horeb
Veeder, Elizabeth Monroe Middle School
Morovitz, Ali Boscobel
McGowan, Rylan Darlington
Anliker, Aubrey River Valley
Talarczyk, Kathryn New Glarus/Monticello
Bonilla, Lucia Fennimore
Monton, Alyssia Darlington
Basting, Bella Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Crist, Torie Darlington
Olmstead, Lexie Lancaster
Vasquez, Paola Platteville
Aultman, Rohwen Iowa-Grant Middle School
Mechler, Maddilyn Mount Horeb
Folk, Annika Monroe Middle School
Ward, Tuff Boscobel
Mosley, Zoey Darlington
Claeys, Arya River Valley
Millard, Zoe Evansville
Jordan, Mabel New Glarus/Monticello
Knuckey, Mackenzie Southwestern/Benton MS
Hobbs, Nell Mount Horeb
Doyle-Morin, Elia Platteville
Roelli, McKenna Darlington
Langreck, Avalee Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Sanchez-Bahena, Selena Darlington
Lewis, Myajo Lancaster
Johnsen, Emma Argyle/Pecatonica
Butts, Emerson Albany
Nelson, Leah Iowa-Grant Middle School
Marunde, Evelyn New Glarus/Monticello
Orrell, Olive Mount Horeb
Oler, Jessa Boscobel
Martinez, Dulce Darlington
Krome, Leona River Valley
Fiedler, Jillian Platteville
McGowan, Alaina Darlington
Cleary, Braylin 14:12.20 Monroe Middle School
Ness, Hadley 15:35.00 New Glarus/Monticello
Taylor, Addison 16:17.00 Lancaster
Andrews, Micki 17:01.40 Monroe Middle School
James, Charlotte 17:13.30 Lancaster
Roelli, Brynlee 17:23.70 Monroe Middle School
Hutchins, Marie 17:40.20 Mount Horeb
Wyse, Evelyn 17:43.50 Mount Horeb
Conley, Linsey 17:48.00 Fennimore
Malterer, Kaelyn 18:06.50 Evansville
Turner, Kora 18:15.64 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Miller, Ally 18:31.10 Monroe Middle School
Solberg-Kieler, Jessie 19:09.50 Dodgeville/Mineral Point
Rosemeyer, Lucy 22:09.90 Mount Horeb
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